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Well another lose tonight


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I'm actually a Kentucky b-ball fan but of course I support OSU's b-ball team


Odens' performance tonight will over-shadow Floridas win


If he is not the #1 pick in the draft this summer I will be very very surprised..

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wow id say if we shot threes like we did in the last minute of the game we may have won that one... what was it before the last minute 2 for 20? and i still say not because we lost but those refs suck first they call everything then they were not calling anything at all
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if OSU would have made a few more 3's OT or a win....


UF has played something like 190 games together including AAU, OSU like, 40.... I am so proud of the Bucks...



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It's the Bucks fault.


I'd put a slightly different spin on it and say it was Florida's fault they won, not OSU's fault they loss. Florida seemed downright unbeatable the way they played last night, considering (1) they appeared capable of hitting three-pointers at will; and (2) they came up with every loose ball and got every luck bounce. Hell, Florida could have beat the Celtics last night.


I thought Oden played amazingly well. If there were any doubt about his leaving next season, he completely erased that last night.


Had only OSU knocked down just a smaller percentage more of their three's...

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wow id say if we shot threes like we did in the last minute of the game we may have won that one


if OSU would have made a few more 3's OT or a win..

So what you're saying is; If the buckeys had scored more points during the game, they wold have won it?

BRILLIANT! Would you guys like to coach? :cool:

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I still don't buy the argument that Florida could beat ANY NBA team

I know you said this particular night - and the worst NBA team - so i'm not attacking you - just commenting on what a lot of people have been saying lately

Maybe - if they're having the night they had with 3's dropping - maybe if everything is going well for them and the NBA team is having a horrible game



but I was one of the people that voted that the article writer who said Florida could beat several NBA teams was off his rocker

I agree with Cuban - that the worst NBA teams would absolutely murder Florida


Even if Florida's 5 are all first round draft picks - maybe half of those will 'make it' in the NBA - and those few will take a few years to develop


The average person on the bench of a poor NBA team would embarass Florida

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but I was one of the people that voted that the article writer who said Florida could beat several NBA teams was off his rocker

I agree with Cuban - that the worst NBA teams would absolutely murder Florida


Cuban said that? do you have a link?

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U of F > OSU. True Story.

SHUT IT BEN, you and your daily dose of haterade is probably what hurt us!


Honestly, had Ohio state hit 3 more 3 pointers, what would have happened? Ya, that's right. For being such a "well rounded team" as Florida, that sure as hell isn't much of a marginal victory the way I see things.


I'm upset about the outcomes, but we proved we were in the top in both basketball and football this year. And, next year, Florida will get their rude awakening.

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"The best college team of the last 10 years," Cuban told me in an e-mail, "would lose by 50 to any team at the bottom of the NBA."




my mind goes to David West and many others

A dominating force in college basketball a few years back - stayed most of his college career

Player of the year awards - noone could stop him (his team wasn't very good though)


He goes to the NBA and he's lucky to get a few minutes here and there for 2 or 3 years - (finally starting to get some playing time)

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Florida would get smashed by ANY NBA team. Oden pretty much shut down Floridas top three big men all by himself.


Noah is a joke whoever is stupid enough to draft him in the first round needs to be shot point blank with a M-16


The ONLY person I think will do any good in the NBA will be Brewer if he bulks up I can see him being like a Josh Howard type ROLE player for a NBA team


Horford sucks against people with equal or more skill then him Oden proved that. Horford only scored when Oden was tired or not guarding him


Florida is a good college team full of good college players no NBA caliber players


The Florida guards were quick and good shooters and Green has decent point guard skills


But like I said Florida is full of good COLLEGE PLAYERS reminds of that UCLA team that won the Championship with the O'Bannons

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I still don't buy the argument that Florida could beat ANY NBA team

I know you said this particular night - and the worst NBA team - so i'm not attacking you - just commenting on what a lot of people have been saying lately

Maybe - if they're having the night they had with 3's dropping - maybe if everything is going well for them and the NBA team is having a horrible game



but I was one of the people that voted that the article writer who said Florida could beat several NBA teams was off his rocker

I agree with Cuban - that the worst NBA teams would absolutely murder Florida


Even if Florida's 5 are all first round draft picks - maybe half of those will 'make it' in the NBA - and those few will take a few years to develop


The average person on the bench of a poor NBA team would embarass Florida


I was being facetitious when I commented that Florida could have beaten the Celtics. It was a remark made with the same flavor as those made about the the Miami football team that was so dominant in 2000-2001 that people cracked that they could beat the Bengals. No, they couldn't, just like, no, Florida wouldn't beat the Celtics.


I can't believe I had to type all of this.

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i know, tilley


your sarcastic remark just brought that article to mind

i was trying to make it clear that i understood you didn't really believe that either


but on a related point - lots of people seem to think that

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i know, tilley


your sarcastic remark just brought that article to mind

i was trying to make it clear that i understood you didn't really believe that either


but on a related point - lots of people seem to think that


Okay, maybe I misunderstood you. All better, yes? Now, we shall high five and then go to a strip club.

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Don't you think it would still be interesting to see the best college <insert team/game here> against the best professional versions? That just couldn't be denied plus, it would let people see differences in levels not to mention, show college players what level they really have to aspire to and at the same time, show them a little humility thus improving their game or scaring away the weak ones.
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