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So I destroyed my knee


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Sand volleyball at flannagans is the devil. I heard it pop and crack about 4 times on the way down. The girl across from me asked if the noise was my keys or my knee. I assured her it was my knee. I was helped up and limped to the bar where I got a shot and a beer. I then came back to watch the rest of the match to be a good sport. I drove my 5 speed from flannagans to Sunbury with the wife in the car. This morning the pain was much worse than when it happened. So, here is kinda the list of my soon bionic knee.


Complete tear of ACL, partially torn MCL, severe sprain of LCL, fluid in knee, irregular cartalidge in patella, torn medial meniscus, few other things I still dont understand.


So far, Doctor visit, and MRI, go to the ortho tomorrow.


I "won't" walk for 6-8 weeks, surgery is next week, I hope. With alot of physical therapy i might be back to normal in 3 to 6 months.


Now I cant sleep because it hurts to much.


I need an automatic to drive

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Damn sucks to hear. At least you get to take it easy for a while. And when they say DONT WALK, DONT WALK. Trust me, i sprained my ankle in rugby practice in high school, they gave me a POS aircast to wear for 2 weeks when I probably should've been off my foot for longer than that. I can still run and play hockey now but it hasn't been the same since.
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Yeah the pain sucks. Kirk, I sent you a pm on my doctors. Their is a lady in new orleans says she can fix it with a pint of chicken blood from a rare ethiopian chicken. I leave tomorrow for ethiopia.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Damn sucks to hear. At least you get to take it easy for a while. And when they say DONT WALK, DONT WALK. Trust me, i sprained my ankle in rugby practice in high school, they gave me a POS aircast to wear for 2 weeks when I probably should've been off my foot for longer than that. I can still run and play hockey now but it hasn't been the same since.


Broken bone in my foot during a rugby game, and played another week after that too. Doc told me to stay off it for a couple weeks, I was back at practice in a couple days. I got lucky though, no pain now.


Sorry to hear about your knee though, those are terrible injuries.

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Tore my ACL 1/24/07 playing basketball.


Had ACL surgery 2/26/07 (used a donor patella tendon)


I am currently 8 weeks post op. Can walk fine. Started light treadmill running about a week ago. Therapy has been 3x a week since surgery.

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  • 1 year later...
just an up date on this old ass post. So since the 1st injury i have re-torn a meniscus on the same leg, had that fixed. Then I tore my right ACL in feb 08, 4 months after that i re-tore my left ACL I just had both ACL's fixed december 10th and have been sitting at home since. I am bored to death. I go to phys therepy 3x a week but other than that I have no life.
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Guest tbutera2112
just an up date on this old ass post. So since the 1st injury i have re-torn a meniscus on the same leg, had that fixed. Then I tore my right ACL in feb 08, 4 months after that i re-tore my left ACL I just had both ACL's fixed december 10th and have been sitting at home since. I am bored to death. I go to phys therepy 3x a week but other than that I have no life.


holy shit...youre doing something wrong if you keep tearing them!!

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I remember damaging mine playing football in h.s. I thought my knee was broken cuz the pain was excruciating. I was on crutches for a long time, then wore a brace similar to an nfl linemans. Never had the surgery, it still feels weird at times when I step on it wrong. Never had any real pain from it though.
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just an up date on this old ass post. So since the 1st injury i have re-torn a meniscus on the same leg, had that fixed. Then I tore my right ACL in feb 08, 4 months after that i re-tore my left ACL I just had both ACL's fixed december 10th and have been sitting at home since. I am bored to death. I go to phys therepy 3x a week but other than that I have no life.



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Sand volleyball at flannagans is the devil. I heard it pop and crack about 4 times on the way down. The girl across from me asked if the noise was my keys or my knee. I assured her it was my knee. I was helped up and limped to the bar where I got a shot and a beer. I then came back to watch the rest of the match to be a good sport. I drove my 5 speed from flannagans to Sunbury with the wife in the car. This morning the pain was much worse than when it happened. So, here is kinda the list of my soon bionic knee.


Complete tear of ACL, partially torn MCL, severe sprain of LCL, fluid in knee, irregular cartalidge in patella, torn medial meniscus, few other things I still dont understand.


So far, Doctor visit, and MRI, go to the ortho tomorrow.


I "won't" walk for 6-8 weeks, surgery is next week, I hope. With alot of physical therapy i might be back to normal in 3 to 6 months.


Now I cant sleep because it hurts to much.


I need an automatic to drive


Hummm.... Good luck with that.

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Really not doing anything wrong. The stupidest shit keeps happeneing to tear them. well its monday night at 2:20 I am sitting on the computer watching old videos and playing games. My life is hell. Someone drink a beer with me and tell me about the real world.
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Really not doing anything wrong. The stupidest shit keeps happeneing to tear them. well its monday night at 2:20 I am sitting on the computer watching old videos and playing games. My life is hell. Someone drink a beer with me and tell me about the real world.


Damn, man, that sucks. May I make a few suggestions? (People seem to like a list of 10. ;))


1 Hopping

2 Paying a friend for piggy back rides

3 One of those balancey, two wheeled standing ridey things. (They're actually pretty fun.)

4 Learn to float/levitate

5 Buying a flying carpet

6 Lots of swimming

7 Flooding the world (kinda goes with the last one)

8 Learn to roll

9 Become hooked on pain killers

10 Have a "CR Mod Day" at your house. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first drag racing man. Arthur will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.

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