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not sure if its a good thing or not, lol but if it makes ya feel any better i got the shit can last week after 2 years with alicia....for another guy...who drives a white 3KGT...FUCKERS!!!! i swear to go every one i know is getting dumped and shit.. its like some fucking twisted version of spring cleaning. and no..no nudes i got pissed and deleated every picture i had..sorry boys.



ok im done venting for now


When I read this post I thought to myself. Hmm I know someone whos got a 3kgt. Hes a good friend of mine.



yup, she said we were living two diffrent lives. she was partying and shit all the time, and since i have to work at 6am, i couldnt go out with her much on the weekdays. i went on vacation and she started haingout with this discount tire fuck and his bad ass 3kgt..which she made a point to call me and tell me how sexy and fast his car was..i get back and she wants " a break" she dumped me over the phone a week later, and my dude called and said she was making out with dick bag at a party..im not sure how a chick can be with you for that long and say she loves you and all that shit and make out with somone less then a week after droping you like a bad habbit.


ps my talon would eat that POS na 3kgt


Then I read this one. And knew it was him. LOL yeah were good friends. So Im starting to think maybe she got bored with you. Because he doesnt party alot. Definatly knows how to talk and treat a women. Very nice guy. Cool dude.

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So Im starting to think maybe she got bored with you. Because he doesnt party alot. Definatly knows how to talk and treat a women. Very nice guy. Cool dude.


geee, that make me feel soo much better. but life goes on and at least shes happy i guess. your not the only one that said hes a cool guy, obviously i have my own opinion but at least shes in good hands...or so i hope.

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hey ryan give me a buzz later. last night was fun with you guys btw!! blow it off hun they arent worth it.. they left they are the ones who will regret it if they cant appreciate what they had then they arent worth the time


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geee, that make me feel soo much better. but life goes on and at least shes happy i guess. your not the only one that said hes a cool guy, obviously i have my own opinion but at least shes in good hands...or so i hope.


Ryan I dont know you. I dont think so anyway. But I will say it takes a big man to say that. Props.



hey ryan give me a buzz later. last night was fun with you guys btw!! blow it off hun they arent worth it.. they left they are the ones who will regret it if they cant appreciate what they had then they arent worth the time




Amy knows what shes talking about. Ask bill about being left. Lol

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When I read this post I thought to myself. Hmm I know someone whos got a 3kgt. Hes a good friend of mine.





Then I read this one. And knew it was him. LOL yeah were good friends. So Im starting to think maybe she got bored with you. Because he doesnt party alot. Definatly knows how to talk and treat a women. Very nice guy. Cool dude.

Nice condolences, well-delivered and with so much helpfulness.



Two thumbs way up a midget’s ass.

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Pretty messed up in my book someone would say that! Going through a breakup is hard enough .. makes ya loose sleep, feel like shit and is just plain horrible when you truely care for someone.. to say something like that is rubbing salt in the wound.. F THAT!
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whats the dress code at sugar..ive see ppl get booted several times


Not sure on any formal dress code there beyond no hats, no gang insignia, and none of the obvious shit that you can't wear to nice clubs (e.g., tank tops). If in doubt, do this: go to the Rail in Nordstrom's, find a hot salesgirl, and say, "I'm going to Sugar this weekend; help me pick out something to wear."


Just wanted to say Brother's was packed to the wall and Sugar was crazy... plus it rained. But good times.


We got a table at Sugar on Saturday night. It was a good time. :cool:

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Just wanted to say Brother's was packed to the wall and Sugar was crazy... plus it rained. But good times.


My buddy and his brother tried to goto BOMA but his brother was too underdressed. We were at brothers from like 10ish to close. and YES it was packed.

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My buddy and his brother tried to goto BOMA but his brother was too underdressed. We were at brothers from like 10ish to close. and YES it was packed.


Were you there when the fight broke out at the air hockey table? I was right there .... some douche spilled his beer on me....

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Then maybe it is time to give your body a rest.... yuck

It's not that I have a problem, I just don't seem to stop when I start. I agree 23 is deffinately prime time for the fun, but I'd say I feel more like 28 thanks to the Army. I was on a month long party/drinking fest, it's time it cools down til summer :D Patio bars :woowoo:

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Were you there when the fight broke out at the air hockey table? I was right there .... some douche spilled his beer on me....


You know what, my buddy Delaney and his brother were playing pool @ the last pool table on that side with the air hockey table. I was at the bar trying to get a damn beer. They told me a fight broke out.


I've only been there twice and fights have broken out both times. Must be a common occurance there eh?

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I've only been there twice and fights have broken out both times. Must be a common occurance there eh?

My cousin used to bounce there, it's a semi-occuring thing there. Too many frat boys and booze sometimes. Don't get me wrong GREEEEEEEAT place to hook up, get cheap drinks etc.. Just hate half the college douche bags that think they're bill badass and wanna pick a fight. Sometimes you mouth off to the wrong people in there ;)

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