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Michael Malone deputy registrar FTL


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Michael Malone deputy registrar(bmv) consistantly has the rudest employees I have ever seen. I avoid this place like the plague because I have had issues with misfilled out paper work by Mr. Malone himself on more than one occasion and today was no exception. Unfortunately for me the person I needed to get the title from wanted to use this place and reluctantly I agreed. Earlier in the week we met at the office and had the title switched from one persons name into the name of the person I was getting it from. Mr. Malone filled out the power of attorney so when the title actually came in I could go ahead and have it switched into mine without having the seller with me. Its confusing with multiple buyers, none of which ever had the title transfered to their names. So I go pick the title up and low and behold theres a mistake. Now I had just seen the lady helping me be absolutely rude to the poor guy ahead of me from not having original documents with his request for his title. It was completly uncalled for since the guy was merely asking what I thought to be relevant questions. So I proceed to the counter only to be treated as though I am in some way bothering the lady to the point that I should be belittled by the way she proceeded to talk to me. It also turns out that since they are not a title agency and send all their title work to the title agency on main st. ,(where I prefer to go myself since you have to pay added on fees by their office plus the title fees you could just have done yourself), that when I payed my fees I infact was paying the fees for the guy first geting the title in his name. Which now means I again have to pay to have it now switched over to mine. So this pisses me off beyond the point I think its safe for me to remain in this office and proceed to the main st office as fast as my little honda will get me there. I walk in and hand the lady my paperwork and as soon as she sees that its coming from Mike Malones office she says theres going to be a problem. ( A comment I have heard several times from this office after leaving Mikes and coming here). And sure enough he filled the power of attorney out wrong and I cannot get the title switched over until I can get ahold of the seller. I use to think that there was never any line at this place because they were not easily seen in the little strip mall there in. But now I think they just have a reputation for being assholes and nobody goes there. Anyone know what governing body is over a place like this? I want to file a complaint but I dont know with whom to contact. Attorney generals office perhaps? Is this in fact a government agency or can anyone start up a deputy registars office? It never ceases to amaze me that every one I talk to about this place has had a bad experience.
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