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Sam On W. Broad


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Wanna play?

why do you know someone

Your sister.

yeah she probably does race more than you ;p


I just wanted to quote that whole conversation. I just freaking spit my coffee out I laughed so hard. Adam FTW.

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I think my internet cut off the rest of your story or the correct punchline...




Ummmm....next? Anyone hear this one?


Two ducks are sitting in a bathtub. One duck says to the other, "can you hand me the soap?" The other duck looks at him, and replies, "what do I look like, a typewriter?"

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Yes, but I saw neither Adam nor Ben racing at the track last year. What gives :confused:


adam was to busy running a business to care about racing at the track. He rather be a real man and take to the streets. Ben raced last year in the SRT at norwalk. I was there and was telling him that its ok to brake the car cause I could fix it for him. Im such a great guy.

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WOW we have a smart ass here dont we....If you dont like the thread then dont fucking read it. People like you are exactly why I dont post.


You can post you just have to watch what to say. You have been around long enough to know that. You also have to watch the threads cause people on the internet are badasses.

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