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Flights from 10 dollars

cptn janks

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I know the owner of SkyBus, they wan to make it the way flying used to be.


That's a load of BS. Flying used to be expensive, not everyone could afford an airplane ticket. In the past, dinner was included in the price of the ticket, you had human interaction when checking in to get your boarding pass, people to talk to if you have a problem with the flight. With Skybus, you have to buy their food on the flight, you check in using a computer, you are charged $5 for the first 2 bags you check, after that it's $50 per bag. Also, their flight attendants work on commission, do you really want to be bothered the entire flight by a flight attendant trying to sell something to you?


I agree it is nice to have cheap tickets, but you have to realize that you will be nickel and dimed all the way to your destination. Skybus is only hurting the airline industry.


/end pilot rant

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