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Shoulder update from that old crash


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I am on the watch list for a long time......my last name is QANUNGO (thats a weired Indian last name as well)

see...no U after Q so

QA NUNGO....... QA IDA ( I guess the computers see it that way)

In a flight from Cleveland to Boston in December 2002, after boarding, the flight attendant came to me and double checked my name and two passengers were reallocated from my row....I was the only one in my entire row so that the Air Marshalls can nail on me in case of an emergency (I guess). I don't care...having all the eye's fixed to the "potential terrorist" it's better to be careful rather than sorry :devil:

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In a flight from Cleveland to Boston in December 2002, after boarding, the flight attendant came to me and double checked my name and two passengers were reallocated from my row....I was the only one in my entire row so that the Air Marshalls can nail on me in case of an emergency (I guess). I don't care...having all the eye's fixed to the "potential terrorist" it's better to be careful rather than sorry :devil:

Hell, I'm jealous, I wish I could get a whole row to myself on a damn plane..

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