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REAL Final Norwalk details for May 11th, 2007


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I just got off the phone with Norwalk and confirmed our changes. Also, their new facility is a huge step-up from last year (if that could be done), with new lanes, a new return road, new customer areas, etc. The stands are in the same place, with a return road leading right back to them. Anyways....


We're good for 10am to 4pm, with a lunch break when we decide to do one. I think one hour should be good aroun noon, with CR footing the bill for everyone's dedication who have actually signed up and providing a cookout for members and their families. We will need someone to bring a grill, else we can buy a cheapo charcoal grill and utensils. Someone will also need to help with cooking, if not more than one person.


The track will be two lanes, prepped to the 330' mark, with us doing the staffing of the water box and staging lanes. Norwalk will staff everything else (tree, shack, tower) I'll need either volunteers for 1/2 hour shifts, or will assign people day-of so everyone gets to race. Norwalk will provide EMT services. The fuel station will not be open all day, per se, but someone from Norwalk will be over there with notice for group fills. I plan on having someone there around 9:30am and 1pm for fuel purchase.


I will be doing tech from 8-10am in the staging lanes, and all registrants will be required to sign a waiver not holding CR responsible for whatever. I'm looking for no leaks, nothing falling off, etc. I know most of the people signed up, so I have a good idea of the cars being brought. I do ask that you wear long pants and a shift with sleeves, t-shirts are fine. A helmet is also advisable, as long as it's Snell approved, if you plan on running 11s or quicker. I'll make the call for 'verts and t-tops being out depending on how fast you run. This is a fun event, a private event, so let's have just that. If you have questions, lemme know.


All vehicles will be marked as such for record-keeping and verification reasons after you're teched in.


There will be prizes handed out thanks to our CR Sponsors. These will be done on a record basis, I.E, quickest E.T for cars, for bikes, best MPH for either, etc.


We've met our 30 registrations for for the rental and will max out at 60. Remember, CR is footing the bill for the leftover cost(s), if any, and providing lunch if OR doesn't come through. It's the least that can be done for the years of dedicated CR members, and those willing to pay $50 for a track rental that wouldn't happen otherwise.


Lastly, if you break and it requires a track clean-up, you have to pay for it. Someone in a DSM broke last year and Norwalk charged them $70, so it could be worse. Just something to think about.


This is the thread to post your thoughts, etc. Thanks

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Thanks again for putting this together. I'll be there early to help you and can tech the bikes if you like.


A couple of considerations to think about........Are bikes only racing bikes? Most people do for safety reasons. Will bikes be allowed in the slick tired lane? I run a cut slick so it's almost necessary for me. Are you going to make a pre-race announcement for noobs to please drive around the water box with their street tires? Another thing to remind participants of is if they break, get out of the racing groove as quickly as safety permits.

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I hold a group meeting before any racing is started discussing most of the above.


Bikes are allowed both lanes, and we do allow bike versus car if both drivers want it.


It's been mentioned, and I think the last two hours we're gonna open both lanes to all tires so people can knock out some grudge races if they feel the need and both run street tires.


Ray has mentioned doing a "Pinks" style race at some point, drop the arms and go, spot cars, whatever. Thoughts?

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Hey Anthony, do you think I will get a sub 14 second pass this year??? I had to practice, but I figured out that the gas pedal is on the left side. Now All I have to do is master staging. Its hard to get the sucker lined up on that second light bulb thingy.
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Hey Anthony, do you think I will get a sub 14 second pass this year??? I had to practice, but I figured out that the gas pedal is on the left side. Now All I have to do is master staging. Its hard to get the sucker lined up on that second light bulb thingy.



Should've went with a manual...SOOO much easier. lol

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I did get it...





haha, nice, thats a good read right thurrr, come over one night, i'll read it to ya.

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Can't wait to do some racing with you guys again this year. I went a few years ago in my 99 Vert triple black TA. This Year I am bringing my 07 Z06. I will be looking for some DR's so I can maybe get this puppy into the 11's.

The one I saw at a rental last year trapped over 120 mph.

11's should be pretty easy

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