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Would you like to have this as a Saturday Cruise or Sunday Cruise?  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to have this as a Saturday Cruise or Sunday Cruise?

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I was wondering what this interest would be in having a cruise some place? Nothing too far. Here are few idea's I had that I thought would be fun with some car guys/girls.


Air Force Museum (free)

Ceder Point

Kings Island

Hocking hills

Alum Creek (or some place with a beach / BBQ)


If there is interest, or more idea's, post them here. Also, when works for most people? Next week, next month, 3 month's. Just getting idea's.

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Kings Island would be cool... early June on a Sat.


Amusement park on a weekend?? You might get to ride 3-4 rides if your lucky. Though it's hilly down ther and I'm sure there are some good roads around.


I think a lap going up riverside and some various side roads making our way to Alum Creek beach for a BBQ is the most feasable.

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we could always think about calling up a park or something with lots of campsites and set up a weekend or something. wolf run is pretty sweet, mohican(the hell if i know how to spell that one...). take along a shit ton of burgers, hod dogs, etc. could be fun, just an idea.
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local and free, bbq/beach/nice roads/camping would be awesome. I mean I'd be willing to go to kings island/cedar point but I wouldn't want to ride my bike there, so it'd be in my daily, but anywhere closer I'd be up for riding.
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I think next weekend would be a good time to try this out on something, somewhat local. It'll be a good chance for us all to see Brian too, with him being home on leave.


Let me throw this out there tentatively.


11am meet up at High banks park. Hang out for 30 minutes or so, then roll up to Alum Creeks beach area. Throw the Frisbee, football, take pics, whatever. Hang out for however long, then head to QSL for some food.


Suggestions? Changes?

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Sounds great, weather permitting. Either day on the weekend is cool with me, though Sunday would be better, that would give me saturday to shine up the car. I've only put 3 coats of zaino on since April 1st, so it needs some attention. :)
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Alum Creek is a beautiful area and they have tons of different places for a lot of cars to fit in.. especially the beach parking area..its huge~



Ahhh yes but the random scary shit in the water last time scared me. that water looked nastey.......


Shit lets do it again !

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Hey now.. its ok lol No one will let you drown hah The water is way better than Deer Creek... Dan and I went swimming there once and I mean once!~ We washed out the bathing suits and I think they were black.. YUCK and never again is all I can say. I love Alum Creek. +1 on that one~
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Hey now.. its ok lol No one will let you drown hah The water is way better than Deer Creek... Dan and I went swimming there once and I mean once!~ We washed out the bathing suits and I think they were black.. YUCK and never again is all I can say. I love Alum Creek. +1 on that one~



I'm thinking of renting a boat here in the next few weeks and going out.

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OK, well, back on topic. This one time at band camp.......



Sounds like Sunday works for most people so far. We'll go off the weather. If Sunday show rain than we can bump to Saturday.


Brian, I know weekends are when the fam is going to want to see you. I hope the times and day work you. See you there

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Only Women are required to swim, and Bikinis are mandatory, however there will be exceptions though, Joe has the details on those. I believe there is an "american Idol" type process to get out of the swim for the women.



with the TONS of women on CR whats that put us at what 5 people swimming?


I think Hocking Hills would be fun.

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Only Women are required to swim, and Bikinis are mandatory, however there will be exceptions though, Joe has the details on those. I believe there is an "american Idol" type process to get out of the swim for the women.

Uhh... yeah I think I'm busy that day.... errr... something came up. Sorry! lol

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Now see, we have 3 females interested and we managed to make 2 of them consider doing other things already. haha


Hocking hills would be great. However, I think we might want to give more notice for something like that and get more people.And make it more fun. I'm good either way. I would like to see how many people can do next Saturday. I want to at least try to work with that day. If it turns out Sunday works for more people, We can all catch Brian on Friday night. Yes, Brian, I just told you you are going out with car guys on Friday night.


2 way radio's may come in handy for this, so if you have them, bring them. Channel 7 (of course)

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