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crew game tonight.

kawi kid

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Yup! Ya mean ya didn't see me on the T&V? I was most likely on Telemundo too...sweet commentator, and was standing there with mascot and me just behind oogling. Chicago has Blanco playin' for them...he's like Mexico's David Beckham, but as with Beckham, I abused him too. He's too old and Crew players simply danced around and away, and even stripped him of the ball on numerous occasions. Score was Crew down 1 to nil, so I went to the hospitality tent, they needed me to finish off that second bottle of scotch to end this season. Upon my return, having heard the noise in the stadium, knew 'we' had scored. My section asked if I could go back out so they could score again! Cripes! No respect. Even the damn mascot gives me grief about the drinks. Sees me at the gate and does his (her) wrist action of drinkie-poo. The plus on all this is...the beer tender knows what I want. Pretty amazing they know my order without asking, with all the folks that come and go, during a game.

Nice to see John Busch again (former Crew goalie), but he didn't wanna drink before the game.

Kid has lined up flight to Calif, for $300. No game tickets as yet and he and his buddies are now figuring maybe car trek instead. Caravan anyone?

Oh, by the way, they never seem to listen to my directions from sideline...they always run up to the left. Always. Where's the surprise in that?

Yeah, even saw some of the game. Officiating? Well, I just figured that the fix was in, MLS didn't want a small market team to win the shootin' match. HA, beat 'em anyway!! Why does security alway stand by my section? I ain't in the North end!

Tole ya ya shoulda went Kawi Kid! Tommy's Pizza afterwards.

On our "league of our own", we use the motorcycle gloves as goalie gloves, 'cause of the metal across back of knuckles...ref's never notice as they are looking at the filed down metal cleats on our shoes! We play in a different kind of adult league.

Once had a ref from Dublin, Ireland, do a game between the two teams I coached...our friendly. He remarked later, "You guys play rough!" This from a northern Ireland visitor?!?!?!?

It ain't a quik reply, but who knows when I'll find another internet connection!

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