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Hey everyone. . . I'm upgrading an old desktop I have had in storage to give to my mom as she has finally got into the "i want the internet" stage. It's an old 400mhz amd k6-2 . . . but it only has 128MB of ram in it and I was wanting to know if anyone had a couple sticks of 256 laying around? It's the 168 pin PC133 SDRAM that was popular into the late 90's.


thanks in advance. . .


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I think I have one stick of 256 PC100 (that proc should only need 100). $10.


that's true, but it has pc133 in it now, so i was thinkin if anything someone may have a stick to match with it. . but yea, pc 100 it is. . i'll take it :) i'll be up your way tomorrow if u wanna pm me your address i'll swing by

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make sure you actually show up to the deal. No/call no shows are bad!


Yo bro, I called you multiple times regarding the video card with no answer. . . with the number you gave me and sent a message on here . . . lets not keyboard warrior smurf, not in the mood.

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Excell has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.


(yes, i can meet u uptown . . . however i won't be finished with business til maybe 4 or so. . . so give me a place and a time frame, thanks)

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