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To the ricer fag who almost took off the side of my car

I Eat Rice

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Lowered black second gen eclipse turbo. I have no idea why you tried to race me in heavy traffic last saturday night but thanks for showing you have no brain at all. Dumb ass tries to race me from behind my car. So i have the fast lane open and I decide that a roll on in 4th gear. Should remove him from my back bumper that he was tailing so close that I couldn't even see the front of his car. Well shit face gets the bright idea to weave three lanes over and try to race me while in traffic. I put close to two busses on him and was begining to merge into the next lane cause mine was ending and out of no where i see a black blur which was his best attempt at a fly by. He some how managed to fit between my car and the car next to the lane that I was murging into. In the process nearly taking the entire passanger side off my car and smashing into the SUV that i was murging next to. You are a fag and proved nothing by what you did and next time I see you expect your car to have 4 flat tires and you to have a broken face cause that was some dumb ass shit you tried to pull. I hope your mom pays you enough lunch money every day to save up for run flats because they will be a good investment for you........... :finger:
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"why you tried to race me in heavy traffic"

"I decide that a roll on in 4th gear"

"I put close to two busses on him"

"next time I see you expect your car to have 4 flat tires "








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Lowered black second gen eclipse turbo. I have no idea why you tried to race me in heavy traffic last saturday night but thanks for showing you have no brain at all. Dumb ass tries to race me from behind my car. So i have the fast lane open and I decide that a roll on in 4th gear. Should remove him from my back bumper that he was tailing so close that I couldn't even see the front of his car. Well shit face gets the bright idea to weave three lanes over and try to race me while in traffic. I put close to two busses on him and was begining to merge into the next lane cause mine was ending and out of no where i see a black blur which was his best attempt at a fly by. He some how managed to fit between my car and the car next to the lane that I was murging into. In the process nearly taking the entire passanger side off my car and smashing into the SUV that i was murging next to. You are a fag and proved nothing by what you did and next time I see you expect your car to have 4 flat tires and you to have a broken face cause that was some dumb ass shit you tried to pull. I hope your mom pays you enough lunch money every day to save up for run flats because they will be a good investment for you........... :finger:



I saw what hapend. He coulda raced the "bird" but he decided to weave in and out of traffic like his name was "DK the fuckin drift king" .



Tell you what, How about me and you race "Black Eclipse", If you win you can use 270 for the remainder of the summer. If you lose you are not aloud on there at all for the rest of summer.


45 roll


Waiting patiently.

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Lowered black second gen eclipse turbo. I have no idea why you tried to race me in heavy traffic last saturday night but thanks for showing you have no brain at all. Dumb ass tries to race me from behind my car. So i have the fast lane open and I decide that a roll on in 4th gear. Should remove him from my back bumper that he was tailing so close that I couldn't even see the front of his car. Well shit face gets the bright idea to weave three lanes over and try to race me while in traffic. I put close to two busses on him and was begining to merge into the next lane cause mine was ending and out of no where i see a black blur which was his best attempt at a fly by. He some how managed to fit between my car and the car next to the lane that I was murging into. In the process nearly taking the entire passanger side off my car and smashing into the SUV that i was murging next to. You are a fag and proved nothing by what you did and next time I see you expect your car to have 4 flat tires and you to have a broken face cause that was some dumb ass shit you tried to pull. I hope your mom pays you enough lunch money every day to save up for run flats because they will be a good investment for you........... :finger:



Hey! Way to go! You are officially a ricer!

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You should have have just let him go around you.What you did was wrong also and made it all happen.I would never even make an attempt to race someone like that just for that reason.Dam and you drive a WS6 also.
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