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Red VW GTI on 71


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I just want to give props to the red GTI on 71 today. Nice two runs, and your car looks very good and sounds NASTY when that turbo spools up. The Z28 we ran you with belongs to LSWON333 on the board here. Anyways thanks for playing along... Later...
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That was one loud ass turbo.


Those were fun runs you gonna be out fri night?.... I'm just glad to have ended my night with someone who knew how to go from a roll ha ha.



Yeah car is a real dog when its in lower rpm's, Stock head is killin me she does ok up top.


was that an R6 that was with us?...


Good runs, Car sounds hot. I could tell you had an exhaust but what else if you dont mind me asking you can reply in PM....

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Yeah the R6 was with us also... A few runs were made with the R6 also earlier that evening and the result was very positive for the LS1 ;). By the way, not to be an ass or anything but the LS1 took both races from 70-75 roll and 40-45 roll. Like i said, after playing with the R6 all night long it was nice to run a car and thank you for being a good sport and giving the GTI hell :thumbup:. Next time I see you out we might talk a bit. Later...
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Guest hotrodmama024
I just want to give props to the red GTI on 71 today. Nice two runs, and your car looks very good and sounds NASTY when that turbo spools up. The Z28 we ran you with belongs to LSWON333 on the board here. Anyways thanks for playing along... Later...



Why dont you you get your own car Ice. Why you always want to talk your shit in someone elses car......


(( The Z28 WE ran you with belongs to LSWON333 on the board here))


I have been waiting for 3 years now for you to bring out a car for me to race you, but you seem to never bring a car or you as a driver.


So when you going to bring something out? I am tired of hearing you being someone else's bitch.

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Why dont you you get your own car Ice. Why you always want to talk your shit in someone elses car......


(( The Z28 WE ran you with belongs to LSWON333 on the board here))


I have been waiting for 3 years now for you to bring out a car for me to race you, but you seem to never bring a car or you as a driver.


So when you going to bring something out? I am tired of hearing you being someone else's bitch.


Oh snap!

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I need to get some time and put my shit togather. The procharger is not even in the car now and it probably will not be in till sometime in the middle of next month. I just dont have the time to work on it. Not to be a dick or anything and this is not shit talking, but it will not be a close race between my car and yours (we might run them mid summer or something, if i'm lucky to get the car done by then... fucking Fords...). I'll race you in the Z28 though and you should match up fine against it!!!
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Why dont you you get your own car Ice. Why you always want to talk your shit in someone elses car......


(( The Z28 WE ran you with belongs to LSWON333 on the board here))


I have been waiting for 3 years now for you to bring out a car for me to race you, but you seem to never bring a car or you as a driver.


So when you going to bring something out? I am tired of hearing you being someone else's bitch.


Messageboard gold right there. :cool:

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Guest hotrodmama024

Well i have been waiting for years now, so i will believe it when i see it. Just tired of you saying.... oh i was with the red z28, ill race you with me in the passenger seat. You talk your shit on how you are awesome at racing and i cant race. You need to back it up. Thats all there is to it!


SOOOOO.....Shut up, bring your car out, and fucking race!

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Well it has not been years... maybe a year... but like i said... I'm not talking shit, I'm just saying that my car is not running right now... That's it... You will get a call as soon as it is running... Trust me, I'm salty that my car is not running but i just dont have the time to mess with it right now. Let's just leave it at that... i dont feel like turning this into a 5 page BS thread... PM me if you need to talk further...
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Guest hotrodmama024

So how come you can talk your shit in person or on the phone, but you want nothing to do with it on here?


You never back it up. I want it backed up!


Nope dont need to email you. Its been 3 years Ice. I was in PA for atleast 1 year and been back for over 1 year. You have said rude things to me, and you want to tell me some other car, not yours is going to own me... well bring it on with your own car.


Ill be ready for you when ever you get your 3 year project done.

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Why dont you you get your own car Ice. Why you always want to talk your shit in someone elses car......


(( The Z28 WE ran you with belongs to LSWON333 on the board here))


I have been waiting for 3 years now for you to bring out a car for me to race you, but you seem to never bring a car or you as a driver.


So when you going to bring something out? I am tired of hearing you being someone else's bitch.


Left Jab


Well i have been waiting for years now, so i will believe it when i see it. Just tired of you saying.... oh i was with the red z28, ill race you with me in the passenger seat. You talk your shit on how you are awesome at racing and i cant race. You need to back it up. Thats all there is to it!


SOOOOO.....Shut up, bring your car out, and fucking race!


Left Jab


So how come you can talk your shit in person or on the phone, but you want nothing to do with it on here?


You never back it up. I want it backed up!


Nope dont need to email you. Its been 3 years Ice. I was in PA for atleast 1 year and been back for over 1 year. You have said rude things to me, and you want to tell me some other car, not yours is going to own me... well bring it on with your own car.


Ill be ready for you when ever you get your 3 year project done.


Right Hook, he's on the ropes.....

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I don't get to hang out with Ice much. But, I know I saw his car out last year. We've talked about running each other too. He never has come off like a shit talker or benched race someone else's car, or his own, that I have ever seen.

In reading his first post, It didn't come off like anything other than; I was with someone and got some runs in.


Maybe this is something Ice and Hotrodmama talk about a lot?

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Guest hotrodmama024

This thing between me and Ice go way back. He shit talked me about my me and my car, not being a good driver. He told me he was going bring out a car. Waited on his ass for 3 hours for this car to race.

Missed a big race with everyone else to wait for his! Then finally after waiting forever he finally shows up with his friend, driving some piece of shit. I was more then pissed that he shit talked me and couldnt back it up.


Then i see him just start popping up on here talking about his friends z28 can smoke me and blah blah. Do you know what i dont give a flying rats ass about his car. I am done with you shit talking and not backing it up. That is is.


He says that i am not that great of a driver. Well yeah that was when i first got my camaro, first manual fast car, of course i am not going to be that great.


There are so many people that have seen me race and never once has anyone said that to me. Thats bullshit you want to start shit and not back it up... so LETS GO! No more excuses!

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Holy team vagina!

Look, I've never met you. And I too had heard a few years ago you weren't a good driver. What does that mean? Jack shit. Big deal if someone says that.

I said "holy team vagina", 1, to piss you off (keep reading). 2, to make a point. I have seen several females come on this site and be run off. You have stuck it out and now people know you. I'm saying that in a nice way. Of the females on her that I know, many of them drive better than a few guys I have ridden with. This a hard place for a female to fit in. I always see the symptoms of having to prove they can hang with the guys. Whether is be in their car, or on the forum. I think females have it tough here, but it is what it is.


The thing is, your is running. His is not. If he is talking shit, that I don't agree with that approach. But, I've never seen him that way. So, your posts are surprising to me.


The pain of having your car not done sucks. And is always the answer to someone talking shit.



Them: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah faster than you.

You: Please; talk to me when you have something to run besides your mouth.

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Guest hotrodmama024

I am not trying to make myself look good, or him bad. I have alot of aggression about him saying he will have his car out, and he never shows up and then points out he will have a car with him as a passenger.


Thanks though

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Sorry if i came out the wrong way. I didnt mean it. Last time i saw you drive your car was a couple of years ago and as you agree you were not the best driver behind the wheel. I made the mistake and said something about that. I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU SINCE. Maybe you got used to your car and got better... I'm glad your car is running... mine is not, and it sucks... By the way, Joe saw my car last year when it was running and we talked for a while... See you out Joe...
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hotrodmama024, I hope you didn't take my saying "holy team vagina" as anything other than to make you laugh. After re reading it, and you not knowing me, I could see it not being funny. That was not my intention.
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