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I Hate Bush


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ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!its the end of the world as we know it bush is the devil ohhhhhhhh noooooooozzzzzzzzz. please......... everyone will get over it. the american public loves change all the time. we had 8 years of a democrat and now 8 years of a republican and the house and senate will win out being democratic and a democrat president will be elected. your liberal messiah will come and global warming will come to an end too and we will have a mellinium of world peace...........




all the worlds problems are cause by whatever political figure is in office and no matter what they do nothing will change that view because the media and entertainment stars,music and films alike, "are the voice" of the american public and everyone follows them.



dont hate bush hate who allowd that law. he is a figure head of the govt and really that cant be official unless someone else besides bush made it official. plain and simple. i vote down the middle republican and demoratic into office whoever i feel will do the best job. i dont agree with everything bush does and stand for either but dont hate him for that. hate who ever made that law possible if u dont like it.

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Ummmm. Didnt the congress have to write the law before Bush signed it? Besides that law will be around for the next president, no matter Dem or Republican.


Fred Thompson '08

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fred thompson can suck a dick get the fuck outta here





im all about decentralizing government. its time to get back to the TRUE republican platform, of smaller government, less government interference in daily life... this administration is the LARGEST government in history.

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RON PAUL #1 Wacko



im all about decentralizing government. its time to get back to the TRUE republican platform, of smaller government, less government interference in daily life... this administration is the LARGEST government in history.


I agree

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im all about decentralizing government. its time to get back to the TRUE republican platform, of smaller government, less government interference in daily life... this administration is the LARGEST government in history.

I agree!

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fred thompson can suck a dick get the fuck outta here





im all about decentralizing government. its time to get back to the TRUE republican platform, of smaller government, less government interference in daily life... this administration is the LARGEST government in history.


You win the thread. Hands down, this is probably the statement that EVERONE, democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, can embrace.


This act is nothing new. In the declaration of a state of emergency, the president basically has all the power to do what he wants without asking Congress.


The problem with today's government is that it is not representative of the people. It is completely corrupt. Politicians lie and cheat and do all they can to earn your vote, and you vote for someone because you believe he will do for you what you believe is in your best interest. Then they get into office and pursue the agendas that the fat checkbook holders want them to pursue, instead of helping those who voted for them (this goes for both dems and reps). The system was created so that if someone began to abuse his or her power in government, the people (well over 2/3 of the population in today's case) who are unhappy with the direction of policy could rise up and reinstate a government that actually followed the constitution.


Today, if you tried to do that, you'd probably be sitting in an airport detention facility stripped naked and being interrogated by the FBI, Secret Service, US Marshals, and Homeland Security, all supposedly in the name of "protecting" the integrity of the government and the Constitution.


I'll tell you all something; this country has no integrity right now. Other nations look at our leader and scoff at his inability to direct effective policy. They look at him and the blunder he has caused in Iraq. They look at him and think "do I really want to be allied with this buffoon?" And this man is supposed to represent all that we believe in this country? We are free; free to be spied upon by the NSA and free to be held with the suspension of habeas corpus. We are powerful; so powerful we must live in constant fear of terrorist guerrilla attacks. We are civilized; so civilized that while we can send hundreds of thousands of our men to fight in a desert while 74 million fat, idiotic people sit on their sofas and call in votes to American Idol.

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We are civilized; so civilized that while we can send hundreds of thousands of our men to fight in a desert while 74 million fat, idiotic people sit on their sofas and call in votes to American Idol.

I think they are taking applications....click here

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I'll tell you all something; this country has no integrity right now. Other nations look at our leader and scoff at his inability to direct effective policy. They look at him and the blunder he has caused in Iraq. They look at him and think "do I really want to be allied with this buffoon?" And this man is supposed to represent all that we believe in this country? We are free; free to be spied upon by the NSA and free to be held with the suspension of habeas corpus. We are powerful; so powerful we must live in constant fear of terrorist guerrilla attacks. We are civilized; so civilized that while we can send hundreds of thousands of our men to fight in a desert while 74 million fat, idiotic people sit on their sofas and call in votes to American Idol.


This is probably the most insightful post I have ever read on this board. Cheers to you sir.


Watch this it may interest you.



Oh and V8KILR, there is a few lines in that video that might rub you the wrong way. Remember its just a video on the internets dont go crazy.

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10xsworse = the man.



I personally am so sick of our corrent leadership iut sickens me to think about it.



Please use.



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Rick, I think you've got me pinned as the wrong kinda person. I'm not a liberal by any means. I don't believe universal healthcare is a plausible solution to anything, I believe in 2nd amendment rights, I believe that hands-off economics works best.



However, I am a vehement rationalist, and I believe that 90% of this country is a rational, silent group and 10% are irrational and very very loud, and because of this we often find ourselves putting irrational people in power.

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Rick, I think you've got me pinned as the wrong kinda person. I'm not a liberal by any means. I don't believe universal healthcare is a plausible solution to anything, I believe in 2nd amendment rights, I believe that hands-off economics works best.



However, I am a vehement rationalist, and I believe that 90% of this country is a rational, silent group and 10% are irrational and very very loud, and because of this we often find ourselves putting irrational people in power.

I dont think anyone has won a presidential election with 10%

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I dont think anyone has won a presidential election with 10%


Its up to the rational people to take power, just that no one has done it.


You've probably never listened to Lewis Black's comedy cuz he's a raging liberal, but in one of his things he makes a good point. Remember all those companies around the Enron era where CEOs just stole millions and millions of dollars? Like those Tyco guys took something like half a billion? They're getting 10 years in jail, some even less. How many people's lives do you think they fucked up? A lot. And yet they're getting only a few years. That's irrational, and everyone, even the rational people, let it go.

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Its up to the rational people to take power, just that no one has done it.


You've probably never listened to Lewis Black's comedy cuz he's a raging liberal, but in one of his things he makes a good point. Remember all those companies around the Enron era where CEOs just stole millions and millions of dollars? Like those Tyco guys took something like half a billion? They're getting 10 years in jail, some even less. How many people's lives do you think they fucked up? A lot. And yet they're getting only a few years. That's irrational, and everyone, even the rational people, let it go.

Our laws are not perfect. The guy who steals a $500 tv will get about the same term. That was a very unfortunate situation with Enron et al. There will be alot more Walmart greeters due to them....

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Our laws are not perfect. The guy who steals a $500 tv will get about the same term. That was a very unfortunate situation with Enron et al. There will be alot more Walmart greeters due to them....
It was only coincidence that Enron was a major republican campaign contributor.
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