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Atheist Billboards To Debut During Holidays


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I love this person's comment:

It's about time someone stood up to the faith bullies who want to make everyone follow their lead! This is not about recruiting new athiests, it's about fellowship with others who believe (or don't believe) as we do.

I don't trust in God, I trust in humanity--and that we will make fair and good choices to benefit us all. Not because "God" wants us to do it, but simply because it is the right thing to do.

It is the weak who blame thier "sins" on the devil or their parents, etc., it takes real strength to take full responsibility for your own actions, and learn from your mistakes. If we could all just take responsibility instead of blaming others--regardless of who we blame--that would truly make this world a better place!

Best holiday wishes to all, regardless of your faith--or faithless--affiliation!

I don't trust in God, I trust in humanity

Seriously?? What the fuck is wrong with people? Don't get me wrong, I don't give a shit what you believe or don't believe as long as you don't push your views on me. However, to say you "trust in humanity" has got to be the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


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  JRMMiii said:
Are you taking issue with that phrase, or the rest of the commentary?

Because I have to say - blaming "sins" for your personal lack of responsibility and bad choices is pretty absurd.

Just the phrase, hence it being in BOLD.

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You blow me away sometimes.

I will say that it's just a radical approach to venting against main stream religion. Who knows? I don't think it's impossible to reason w/ an atheist. You better be well informed and able to give an answer if you are going to stand any ground.

The Devil roams around seeking who he may devoure. He is like a lion.

Here is a scripture that is good for dealing with temptation.

~Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with each temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:12&13

Jesus was tempted by satan. He was hungry after praying and fasting for 40 days. When he was confronted by satan 3 times, Jesus was able to withstand the offers made to Him. He used scripture and truth to withstand each offer that was placed infront of Him. My gosh, Jesus was the prime example for how to deal with temptations. Many times in the new test. you see how He was mocked and questioned.

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  Mandova said:
You blow me away sometimes.

I will say that it's just a radical approach to venting against main stream religion. Who knows? I don't think it's impossible to reason w/ an atheist. You better be well informed and able to give an answer if you are going to stand any ground.

The Devil roams around seeking who he may devoure. He is like a lion.

Here is a scripture that is good for dealing with temptation.

~Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with each temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:12&13

Jesus was tempted by satan. He was hungry after praying and fasting for 40 days. When he was confronted by satan 3 times, Jesus was able to withstand the offers made to Him. He used scripture and truth to withstand each offer that was placed infront of Him. My gosh, Jesus was the prime example for how to deal with temptations. Many times in the new test. you see how He was mocked and questioned.

Who blows you away??

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Hey, the god of the Bible did some pretty nasty stuff to the people of Egypt back in the day, if you believe in mythology. Boils on people, killing off the first-born and a Hell of alot of locusts. So a young lady goes and eats a piece of fruit and what does this loving god do about it. Well, every time she has a baby, it's going to hurt like Hell. Take that you evil bitch! Never disobey me again! Sounds like Truth to me. I will fight with every ounce of my being to make sure that christians have the right to practice their religion, as long as they keep it out of public schools and stop knocking on my door. Oh, stay out of my strip clubs as well. If you don't like them, DON'T FUCKING GO TO THEM! It's that simple. Now if I decide to rent a billboard and I put something on it like "God Is Make Believe", I will make the front page in a heart-beat. People will think that I have no morals and that I have connections with the man downstairs. Atheists are more numerous than people think and there are more people who are coming to the conclusion that the Bible is fiction. The best way to find that out is to actually read it though. Quoting from it doesn't make it the truth...

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My Beef with the whole Atheist vs. Christian thing is all about Parity. If an atheist teacher can speak their opinions on public property then any faith should be allowed to speak their opinion as well without fear of retribution, however in my life experience I've found more often than not anyone but the Christian is allowed to speak their opinions on school grounds and other public properties. My .02 (.002 after tax)

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There are opinions about things and there's someones faith. Completely different.

It's quite rare for most atheists to discuss religion (or lack thereof) -- why would you talk about something that doesn't exist (in their minds)? Usually, it's the Christians that want to tout their "opinions". So, I think the reality is much more the other-way-around than your hypothetical, magifesq.

There's a reason church and state are separate. Religion breeds hate and war, the exact opposite of what they all preach.

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oh well there is good and bad in all people ..... just have to accept the fact that some are past the point of salvation.... you gotta do whats right for you, but don't push your views upon me.... kinda like whats happening in california the voters spoke for what they wanted now the activists are trying to push their views and beliefs upon the majority.... sucks but hey.... It's the american way... RIGHT?

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  JRMMiii said:

There's a reason church and state are separate. Religion breeds hate and war, the exact opposite of what they all preach.

but they work so well together. just look at the taliban, iran, syria, saudia arabia, israel... the list goes on.

oh wait a sec...


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