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Atheist Billboards To Debut During Holidays


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What's big, red, and Jesus's fault?



That's actually a really beautiful picture. It's very possible to conclude that the passage from Rev. I quoted can be tied to the visual characteristics of a total lunar eclipse. Thank you for the Mr. Eclipse photo. I enjoyed debating in this thread, but it's kinda hard to make any comments on the Jesus cartoons. They are a bit disturbing.

Jewish Jesus would most likely have had dark eyes, darker skin and dark hair. I bet Jesus was a handsome fellow and had a nice sculpted figure........I won't go any further. :D

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But...but...but... the debate isn't over.

Sounds like you're crushin' hard on Jesus. "Nice sculpted figure" Jesus...??

I'm not sure much of an argument was ever made to begin with...therefore no debate.

He might have been fit, but I'm pretty sure he was gay. Bi at the very least. There's no other explanation for letting other grown men lay their heads in your lap.

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The first part. What are the Knights of Columbus fighting? Are they trying to censor someone else's speech?
we are fighting to keep Christ the focal point of Christmas.... you know instead of commercializing it, or considering it "just another paid day off work".... which I think if you don't believe in Christ or God you shouldn't get that day off anyway.... It's a religious holiday... not a secular one....
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respect is a 2 way street.... if someone doesn't respect my faith, why should I respect their views??? Personally I'm very militant on this issue... I think free speech and opposing views are fine and all... but the minute you try to shove them down on me is when I stand up and start swinging the ol' ball bat at your head.....

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we are fighting to keep Christ the focal point of Christmas.... you know instead of commercializing it, or considering it "just another paid day off work".... which I think if you don't believe in Christ or God you shouldn't get that day off anyway.... It's a religious holiday... not a secular one....

Then it shouldn't be a federal holiday either.

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Night of The Living Dead, in the name of Christ... "And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom; and the earth shook, and the rocks were split;the tombs were also opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many." Matt.27 verse 51-52...

Now I know where George Romero got his ideas for his movies. Seriously, don't expect to NOT be open to ridicule if you base your life on this bullshit. Oh, I forgot, that verse is just metaphorical. What was I thinking? Happy Thanksgiving:)

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Does anyone have any good ideas why some strong religious themes in some late Zombie movies and the latest (I couldn't find anything else good to rent) Starship troopers? I'm all for Truth in Science, arts, disciplines, just some of the movies were over-doing it.

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I have very odd views on the whole religion segment. I belive in a god and heaven and hell I just don't buy into this magical fairy tale it has been made into.

I understand. It's not a cartoon story. It's not anything that we should be leaving to the imagination. Just keep to the facts.

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