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My facts are all Bible based....nothing more nothing less. Where do you get yours? What's your standard for truth? You gotta have one...right?

Yup it has to be logically supported and usually through multiple instances.

The bible isn't. It's just another story that grew to fantastical proportions. This is quite common with humanity with their wants, needs, and struggles. The stories in the bible aren't even unique. There are a good number of even older writings in the same and other cultures with similar themes. Everything from virgin births, man gods, dying for humanities sins, and cleansing of souls to life's lessons such as turn the other cheek, treat others as you would want to be treated and so on.

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P90X - Kenpo

My Thursday routine.


Sorry girl, I hope you're not taking anything personal, but you will always be known to me as the Blood Moon girl. It makes me smile every time. :D

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P90X - Kenpo

My Thursday routine.


Sorry girl, I hope you're not taking anything personal, but you will always be known to me as the Blood Moon girl. It makes me smile every time. :D

The only problem have with any of those types of workouts is that the technique used is usually crappy and generally not as good workout than actually using correct technique.

Then there's always the yahoo who thinks they are taking a martial art anytime they follow these fitness tapes or take a cardio kick boxing course. :nono:

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First time in my life I've ever used tapes. The whole P90X thing is.... different. I can tell I've lost in some of my previous areas, but gained in others.

By no means do you become a kickboxing/karate expert, but changing up the workout and getting a little 'muscle confusion' every now and then is good. I just like it because my shoulders and back get a workout from throwing so many punches and blocks, but mostly from keeping the guard up the WHOLE damn time.

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P90X - Kenpo

My Thursday routine.


Sorry girl, I hope you're not taking anything personal, but you will always be known to me as the Blood Moon girl. It makes me smile every time. :D

P90X. How do you like it? From the read it sounds good. I bought the Core Rythms DVD's 2 yrs. ago. Got board with that. I may have learned how to do the samba?? I'm into fitness, but I use my own methods. The P90X looks like a kick in the butt. I used to be able to handle military style workouts, but now I am a cardio junkie. It's 5 days a week of the same. I need to incorporate some new workouts.

Edited by Mandova
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If you're a cardio junkie, then P90X probably isn't the best for you. The only two cardio routines are Kenpo and Plyometrics... Plyo still kicks my ass, Kenpo - I have to work at it to make it work for me because my shoulders and quads have gotten strong enough to handle the Kenpo routine.

You will sweat, and you will breath heavy, but I get a better cardio workout doing intervals on the treadmill or elliptical than the videos (at least for me). What the videos have going for them is you rarely have more then 30 seconds to rest between lifts or exercises. So, you get a lot of cardio in just from the fact your heart is beating non-stop. The lifting vids are excellent though because you're nonstop. I feel much more toned now (dunno if it's from the videos or because I switched from free weights to resistance bands).

Lots of pushups and pullups.

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I think I'd like it, or I would like to amp up my routine with some of the ideas it uses. Already giving funds to the local gym for my membership. Plus I love the cardio glide, so I will just have to get creative. I miss coaching. We had endless creativity and equipment to keep it interesting. Plyometrics are evil. ;)

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here some things about jesus, jesus did not die for our sins he died for kicking over a roman money table and in those days you did not fuck with the romans or thier money. jesus probably did not rise on the third day he did not recieve a proper jewish burial and is believed to be gotten by relatives and recieve a proper burial. This magical rock that enclosed the tomb every says no man could move it if they moved it in front of the cave they could move it back away from the cave. The cross is another thing that gets me. People where it and put it on thier cars like some great symbol. The cross is probably one of the sickest symbols in histroy it is how thousands of people died not just jesus.

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Yeah, your right. I'll keep my mouth shut and let it be. It's not in the name of Jesus. That's my main point. Why is Jesus hated and Muslim killers, ..."ahhh they are just terrorists".

I am not hear to win an argument.

So you're claiming no one has ever been killed on the name of Jesus? Again I don't get your point.

Those of us who are more intelligent don't attach terrorism automatically to Islam. The more intelligent of us realize that a small number of Muslims committing horrendous acts don't represent the greater Muslim population.

Who said they hated Jesus? Oh I get it, someone doesn't believe the same as you so it's hate.

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So you're claiming no one has ever been killed on the name of Jesus? Again I don't get your point.

Those of us who are more intelligent don't attach terrorism automatically to Islam. The more intelligent of us realize that a small number of Muslims committing horrendous acts don't represent the greater Muslim population.

Who said they hated Jesus? Oh I get it, someone doesn't believe the same as you so it's hate.

No, people have been put to death for teaching about Jesus. Why does the gospel pose such a threat to the nations of Islam? I don't know that Roman Catholics fighting w/ Protestants, or random acts like Timothy McVeigh's can be tied together with anything I said. If America stands for anything of good cause anymore then this target America wears on it's back is for a reason. Religious freedom is a solid foundation of America. Our country has opened it's floodgate to many persecuted people groups. I have my opinions on the deterioration of morality. What's the standard anymore? We uphold little truth, b/c we are political, and it's not fair to offend someone's religion. That's crap. Everything is a double standard and it's getting to be sloppy.

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