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Execution took 2 hours to complete...


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I'm not for the death penalty. Do they deserve to die? Yes. Can we, as a society take their lives? I don't think so. I think if you're for the death penalty, you have to have the balls to push the button or pull the lever to do the deed. I just couldn't do it. Also, the justice system isn't perfect. Is one innocent person put to death worth hundreds of guilty ones? Not to me.


Of course, I have never had a person close to me killed. I wonder if my opinion would change then.

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I guess the worst thing about my cousins situation is that he was not the one who killed the two people. He was with the kid during the robbery, and the 16 yo guy shot the two people. The kid that shot the people got Life with the possibility of parole in 2017. My cousin who was an adult gets the death penalty. I am not saying my cousin should get out of jail but I am not sure he deserves the sentence he got when the trigger man gets life.


So in his case you have someone going to die, even though they did not do the killing.

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