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Going Bald.


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Today I came to terms with the fact I'm going bald. The back of my head is thinning.


I was curious on people thoughts.



My options



Transplates (...)



Fuck it go bald and become mister clean?

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Well, it isn't like you did something stupid and now you are marked for it by baldness. I have a big ol Monkey Butt on my head, I cannot stop it or will it away so I cut my hair short and show it off.
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It will go like this...

You will worry about it

Dont pull on your hairs

People will start making fun of you for it

You will worry about not getting chicks, but then realize almost every girl likes bald guys anyway

Any girl willing to make fun of you for your bald head probably has flaws of her own too example: whore, money hungry bitch, not GF material anyway

You will accept it

Go to the gym and get huge and be the huge bald guy

Everything will be ok :)

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I used to use a special razor made just for shaving your head called the headblade (http://www.headblade.com/index.html). Which is much easier and a better shave then a regular razor.


However currently I have found that my Braun electric shaver works great.



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Im the same way, Im 23 yet my receding hairline is getting bigger and further year by year. My older brother's bald, and im sure somewhere it runs in the family. I'll just shaved it when it gets rediculous. Right now I can pull it off but I'd say in the next few years it's gone.


John's right, most girls like bald guys or will at least consider it. Not that you have to worry, your married aren't you Thorne?

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Seems it's growing everywhere else but on your head, buddy. ;)

I got your back, though. I'll donate some transplant scalp as my hair grows like a fuckin weed. Good, thick puerto rican hair. I've even donated once and sold it another time on a hair ebay type auction site the couple times Ive had it long.


I think I would probably go with the shave idea, if not, what do you have to lose? (no pun intended) You could try other ideas and there's always 'the shaving, THE SHAVING' (sorry, too much ATHF) to fall back on. Plus, your wife should love you either way.

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nothing wrong with being bald....if you see me out you will understand...go live in the gym like myself and whoop ass!...i was balding at 18 haha..genetics are a motherfucker....i once was told that there is more testosterone in people balding....more of a man i suppose :-)
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  SRT BAIT said:
nothing wrong with being bald....if you see me out you will understand...go live in the gym like myself and whoop ass!...i was balding at 18 haha..genetics are a motherfucker....i once was told that there is more testosterone in people balding....more of a man i suppose :-)


Yes ^ he is bald too. He got on my case for the longest time about shaving. I buzz it bald as I can, too much upkeep for my schedule and a razor every morning.

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Who cares if your going bald. Don't let the TV/radio ads get to you. Nothing wrong with it from my point of view, but I never give a rats ass what people or I look like either.


+1 for the mullet wig that is just awesome



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  ImUrOBGYN said:
Seems it's growing everywhere else but on your head, buddy. ;)

I got your back, though. I'll donate some transplant scalp as my hair grows like a fuckin weed. Good, thick puerto rican hair. I've even donated once and sold it another time on a hair ebay type auction site the couple times Ive had it long.


I think I would probably go with the shave idea, if not, what do you have to lose? (no pun intended) You could try other ideas and there's always 'the shaving, THE SHAVING' (sorry, too much ATHF) to fall back on. Plus, your wife should love you either way.



Since I'm already a big dude I think I'm going to shave it here soon. Thanks for all the input its actually pretty hard to accept going bald. Sucks.

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