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Are you talking about the peer pressure?


Kinda of a long story to put here. The peer pressure stopped with the changing of the pastor, the tongues, however, did not with a couple of the old ladys. I've also had experience with a very strict pentocostal family & church. I never attended it.

I've been to quite a few different churches.

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The peer pressure stopped with the changing of the pastor, the tongues, however, did not with a couple of the old ladys.


If it was correct then the changing of the pastor would have no effect on the tongues issue.


My wifes familly is all pentecostal. When her Grandmother died last year we went to the funeral. I told my wife ahead of time that if the tongues thing started I was going to take our son out. I did not want him aroung that because I would have to explain to him at four why his grand mother was incorrect.


The funeral service was going fine until her aunt got up to sing a song. Then here we go.... "shunblablablablablabala".... the the crowd started doing the same thing. My wife stayed in the service, I just quietly got up and took my little boy out into the loby until the service was over.

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I was still pretty young at the pentocostal. I went alone as my family is not at all religious. Any of them. But I was a curious kid and nothing escaped my interest. I even attended services at different churches/religions. I used to trip out on the few people who would speak in tongues and as usual, I questioned anything and everything. I never received a concrete answer (many of my questions throughout my experience with organized religion were never fully answered). I believe it alienates others in a service and either makes them feel left out, un-'touched' or whatever. So, Rick, if you're not speaking in tongues, you're going straight to hell with me since you're obviously not 'touched'. The only 'tongue' I speak in is definitely not getting me into heaven. ;)
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From when I was 6 I went to a Non-Denomination church. The start of church would pretty much be singing and worship. This would vary between Sundays but it would last 30-2 hours. Sometimes we would just sing songs, and other times people would get out of their seat and dance in the isles. For the 2 hour long worship people would start talking in tounges and every now and then 1 person in the audience would start preaching. This person would preach as if he was the voice of God. Then usually the praise and worship team would ask people to come up to the front to get healed... More hands on praying, more talking in tounges etc.... Stuff you see on TV.


I never did feel like not speaking in tounges was bad or "not being touched by God". I don't know how others felt about that because I stopped going to church when I was 13ish. Its a whole other conversation why I stopped going to church so bleh... I just go every now and then.


Anyway there was some peer pressure during my years there. People prayed on me all the time. One of the Pastor said I was supposed to be a Preacher. I don't understand this at all because I have issues talking to a few people at a time. Talking to a whole church seems incorrect for me. Others that stayed there became whatever the church said they "should be". And most of these people did a complete 180. Drinking, Smoking, Drugs, Sex, Secular Music, etc is all wrong. When I talk to these people (rarely ever) they keep reminding me how bad I am. It is bad enough that I don't consider them friends...


Why can't big religions people stop telling you how bad you are when you don't want to hear it? It is one thing to explain your religion to someone when they WANT TO hear it...


Ya I am saved, born again Christan. But the more I learn about the church the more things I find out don't make sense. And the more history I research the more I don't want to be referred to as "Christian"

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Guidelines for a good church:


1. If they have a "rock band" set up on the stage....Leave

2. If they speak in tongues.... Leave

3. If you are not getting your toes stepped on....Leave

4. If they refer to themselves are "Apostle_______"....Leave

5. If they have a woman pastor....Leave( I know I will get flame for that, but is biblical)

6. If they preach salvation by any other way than the blood of Christ.....Leave

7. If they have pictures of Jesus in the church.....Leave

8. If they use any other bible but the King James....Leave

9. If they allow homosexuals to serve as pastors or deacons...Leave

10. If they do not teach a literal Hell(fire, gnashing of teeth ect).... Leave


Follow those rules and you will most likely be in a Church that follows the Bible literally.

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Guidelines for a good church:


1. If they have a "rock band" set up on the stage....Leave

2. If they speak in tongues.... Leave

3. If you are not getting your toes stepped on....Leave

4. If they refer to themselves are "Apostle_______"....Leave

5. If they have a woman pastor....Leave( I know I will get flame for that, but is biblical)

6. If they preach salvation by any other way than the blood of Christ.....Leave

7. If they have pictures of Jesus in the church.....Leave

8. If they use any other bible but the King James....Leave

9. If they allow homosexuals to serve as pastors or deacons...Leave

10. If they do not teach a literal Hell(fire, gnashing of teeth ect).... Leave


Follow those rules and you will most likely be in a Church that follows the Bible literally.


WOW... I seriously don't even know where to start. I understand that acceptance of other religion's and belief's is apparently REALLY hard for your small mind to comprehend but you need to look at the reality of life and realize.... YOUR NOT ALWAYS RIGHT! Who gave you the power to tell someone they can/can not stay at a church b/c said church believe's in certain thing's that you don't believe in. You sir are the picture of the christian church's inability to comprehend and accept the world around them for what it is. No Im not saying that "accepting" mean's you agree with it, just dont be so damned close minded.


Now I remember why I try and stay out of these thread's.

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WOW... I seriously don't even know where to start. I understand that acceptance of other religion's and belief's is apparently REALLY hard for your small mind to comprehend but you need to look at the reality of life and realize.... YOUR NOT ALWAYS RIGHT! Who gave you the power to tell someone they can/can not stay at a church b/c said church believe's in certain thing's that you don't believe in. You sir are the picture of the christian church's inability to comprehend and accept the world around them for what it is. No Im not saying that "accepting" mean's you agree with it, just dont be so damned close minded.


Now I remember why I try and stay out of these thread's.



I am far from a close minded person as you people think. Those are standards that should be kept in a church to keep it on the straight and narrow. Re read Christians' and Trowas' post and you will see how bad doctrine led two people to not like church anymore. If bad doctrine gets into a church it WILL destroy peoples respect for God and and the church. The place that Satan attacks first is the Church


I am not the final authority God is. Those guidelines line up with the bible. When "man's" thoughts enter into the church, we get into trouble. We are sinners by nature and not perfect, therefore if you add into the church "man's" wants then corruption of the church occurs. Flame all you want, but I will keep my standards.


I think your problem is.... you just got your toes stepped on.

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Guidelines for a good church:


1. If they have a "rock band" set up on the stage....Leave

^ Whoa there is a whole book about praise and song Psalms my friend my buddy is in a christian rock band^

2. If they speak in tongues.... Leave

^ yes because they are full of shit^

3. If you are not getting your toes stepped on....Leave

^ I don't need some jerk who goes home drinks and shit telling me how I'm a sinner for some od reason^

4. If they refer to themselves are "Apostle_______"....Leave

^Yes because Schizophrenia is a bad thing^

5. If they have a woman pastor....Leave( I know I will get flame for that, but is biblical)


6. If they preach salvation by any other way than the blood of Christ.....Leave

^What other way is there?^

7. If they have pictures of Jesus in the church.....Leave

^Jesus pics always make me laugh^

8. If they use any other bible but the King James....Leave

^........................................................................... Thou art Funny^

9. If they allow homosexuals to serve as pastors or deacons...Leave

^I don't hgave my 10 foot pole here^

10. If they do not teach a literal Hell(fire, gnashing of teeth ect).... Leave

^AGREED But don't that go against your beliefs ? Its is the same as the women in church thing^


Follow those rules and you will most likely be in a Church that follows the Bible literally.

I added my cfomments above

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I don't really have a problem with band like Mercy Me and such, unless they are in the church. If a person was saved out of a life of Rock and Roll, alcohol, drugs ect., they don't need the band at church to stir up old memories. Kind of like when a food addict smells their favorite food, they want it and the smell may be enough to cause them to fail.


As far as women being pastors, the book of timothy states how the church is to be organized. This verse can be taken out of context. It only refers to duties within the church and does not elude to work, government, ect.


1 Timothy 2:12:


12But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.


BTW... If you go to a church and the pastor drinks and smokes at home, I would leave too.

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