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Calling all Silver STI's


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I was at bike night last night. I was riding in the passenger seat of my friends silver STI. My friend's STI has the wing and hood of a normal WRX. It has about 400 awhp. As we were going into Roadhose to eat a guy came up to us and said he also had a silver STI. This guy said he had 750 awhp and asked us if we wanted to race. The guy was pretty cocky. My friend who owns the STI is older and does not street race much so he did not want to. We looked at the other STI on the way into Roadhouse, it looked completly stock except for an exhaust, it even still had the stock top mount intercooler.

I don't think this car had anywhere near 750hp. While we were eating I talked my friend into racing him, but by the time we came out he was gone.


I do not know the guys name but I am 99.9% certain his car does not come close to the power he claims.



ding ding ding.

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