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Nextel Phones!


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ALRIGHT, time for all you fuckers talking on your damn Nextel speaker phones to turn it OFF!!! I'm sick of hearing that damn beep, and a fucking conversation, especially when people feel the need to fucking yell on the phone. So, end your conversations when you come into the store. Thanks
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I love calling all my friends with Nextels, just to get the message about trying to find the Nextel subscriber, then it goes to VM. It's amazing if it EVER rings to one of them.


Nextel sucks.


i got the sprint/nextel hybrid and now it says please wait while we locate the sprint customer haha.

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Again, if you feel the need to use your walky talky please for the love of God and others, go outside, turn it down, or just use the normal phone like 99% of the world. I hate hearing conversations, that damn beeping noise, and not to mention everyone talks so fucking loud on those damn things. NASCAR has garunteed nextel's existance for eternity.
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Its good for work, but everyone should have a personal phone. I have nextel through the company and loved it, but switching to verizon crosses my mind every day. The 2-way feature should be used for quick convo's, not someones life story, and for the people who use it for others to look at them ARE lame, but on the other hand its quick and easy on the job.
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I keep mine to a moderate level in public as I typically don't want to share my conversations with the world.


Lustabert is right, Nextel quality is the worst in the market. I get at least 1-2 dropped calls a week and the 2 way function doesn't always work or the clarity is less than that of the 2 cans on a rope.

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I love Nextels! Everytime one my customers ports over to Verizon I always sell there old Nextel for no less then $100 bucks! oddly enough Nextel customers take really good care of their phone.. At least all the phones I have sold have been in really good condition..


Nextel phones = $$$ in my pocket and I work for Verizon!!

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i got the sprint/nextel hybrid and now it says please wait while we locate the sprint customer haha.


I have the same ones. I figured they'd suck less than our old Nextels. They don't. ic402/502 FTL.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest NinetyFox
Nextel = worst ever. I had them for a two year contract. When I bitched to get out of my contract all they had to say was, "you only have a 11% dropped call percentage and at that rate there is nothing we can do for you". I'm lucky if the junk service even worked 11% of the time!! I had one for a 2 years and the beeping is GAY!!! Verizon FTW.
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