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Elk and Elk attorneys


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I just wanted to tell everyone to stay away from them if you have a car wreck. They do not get claims settled out. I have cases that have been with them for over four years and they are not settled yet. Over 20K of my A/R is due to them.


Nothing like waiting years to get paid :mad: .

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I just wanted to tell everyone to stay away from them if you have a car wreck. They do not get claims settled out. I have cases that have been with them for over four years and they are not settled yet. Over 20K of my A/R is due to them.


Nothing like waiting years to get paid :mad: .


Is there any benefit financially for the attorneys to do that?

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Is there any benefit financially for the attorneys to do that?

I don't think there is. When I see the settlements the attorneys that settle quickly seem to actually do better. I am not sure why they do that. but they owe me about 20K.

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...in my experiences as a law clerk


typically, firms like that...(advertise on tv) are all about volume at the expense of quality



You walk in to the firm in the morning and go, "holy shit, the motions for xxx case are due today at the latest - we better do those"


And the entire case gets 4 hours devoted to it that day...and noone pays attention to it for the next 5 months


Then, the next day...that same scenario happens for another case, etc


So, the firm is always behind...and doing just enough to do the minimum



...it really is disturbing....for the people that you know are depending on you for their life's savings/etc

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um...i really didnt think anyone would call an attourney you see from tv....my guess was wrong...


I know I wouldn't but, if you've ever been in a car accident you get MASSIVE amount's of mail from law office's trying to get your business/case. I got in my car accident in high school and I was getting mail for the next month from it.

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My wife doesn't do personal injury, but in her practice, she's a star not just because she's my wife....she really does put in the time and works extra hard to insure the client gets more than they deserve and 10X what they ever expected. I can't say how many clients are now her friends and send her cards for all kinds of occasions. That's what being a professional is about in my eyes.


She isn't necessarily rich financially, but in many other ways, she's a Billionaire that's stuck with me :)



...in my experiences as a law clerk


typically, firms like that...(advertise on tv) are all about volume at the expense of quality



You walk in to the firm in the morning and go, "holy shit, the motions for xxx case are due today at the latest - we better do those"


And the entire case gets 4 hours devoted to it that day...and noone pays attention to it for the next 5 months


Then, the next day...that same scenario happens for another case, etc


So, the firm is always behind...and doing just enough to do the minimum



...it really is disturbing....for the people that you know are depending on you for their life's savings/etc

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i see there commercials all the time during the day. I like to watch the judge shows(Mathis) etc and they advertise on there. I am dealing a case myself , but havent hired anyone. CJ

This is the guy I refer all of our personal injury to:


Joseph Fraley

1276 City Gate Dr.

Columbus Ohio 43219


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