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Movie Review: Ocean's 13


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Summary: The Ocean crew is at it again with yet another job, yet a bit more personal this time around. Reuben is hospitalized after a run in with his supposed soon-to-be business partner Willie Bank (Pacino) ended with empty promises. The crew assembles again to take on another powerhouse in the casino industry. The plan? Rig all the games (roulette, craps, slots, blackjack, etc.) for the biggest consumer payout in history...on opening night, nonetheless. Snags occur, as expected, and it's even necessary to enlist the financial aid of their first victim - Terry Benedict (Garcia).


Pros: A baker's dozen of professional thieves combine efforts for the third time, coming up with the most intricate possible setups to pull a big score. Comic relief is in surplus, and not really a dull moment in the movie (that I can recall after watching it 3 days ago). Did I mention Al Pacino is in it?


Cons: While Al Pacino is a main player in the film, he doesn't quite deliver a Devil's Advocate performance. And I guess maybe if you're the type of person who overanalyzes the possibility of such an amazing stunt working, you might just be tuckered out from the first two.


Summary: 4.5/5.0. I really enjoyed all 3 movies. I enjoyed all the subtle and not-so-subtle comedy, I recognize and appreciate most actors in the film, and I'm constantly interested in seeing what kinds of things the writers setup...and how they beat them down.



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