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Earliest DNA testing of a baby


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Well looks like I might of had too good of a night 2 months ago and this girl says shes having my kid. Shes pro-life too, which is ironic cause of the lifestyle she lives, but her family is rich so thats a positive. Anyway whats the earliest you can test to see if I would be the father.
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I just move around ALOT that way it's almost impossible to track me. lol Honestly, I don't know how early they can test, though. They have a couple DNA places here. I'd just give them a call and ask. Or, you can wait and go on the Maury Povich show, which coincendentally, is what is on tv right now as I type this. Guess what, it just turned out it was NOT this guy's baby. :D
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Ive heard there is a test they can do but it is around the 10 grand mark or something. Now she can have blood work done and they can pinpoint the date of conception. That is something I would start with.
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Waiting till its born is another idea. But most pregnant women want the potential father to be part of the pregnancy. Guys who just say that they don't either believe that it is there child or don't care in general are just plain dirtballs... (not saying you are youa tall) but I would start with the blood work. Go have her take new blood work and have them pinpoint the conception date for you guys and then work it out from there. If there are still questions talk it out, dont just leave her to make all the decisions. This is a hard time for you and for her. Hope all works out. If you need doctor information I would be glad to help out as I used to work for the hospital for a few years. Best of luck!
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So the real question is. Are you questioning whether or not there's more than one potential father, or are you trying to find a way out of taking care of a child that could potentially be yours?


Does she sleep around? were you ALWAYS protected? Was she on the pill, or did she lie about being on the pill? (its happened)


Im the last person to give advice that you should just take her word for it and 'man up' and be a daddy. For all you know she could be lying. But the fact that your asking for a paternity test says alot about your relationship with her, and the fact that you just dont trust what she says.

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How many other potential fathers are there for this to be a question?

One other that I know of for sure, and im not trying to leave her 'hangin' but this is the same girl that i dated last summer and when i broke up with her she tried to kill herself, thats why im concerned about having to deal with a crazy woman for the rest of my days. I just happen to be drinkin at the same party as her and things went, well u know... but she is defiantly pregnant

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So the real question is. Are you questioning whether or not there's more than one potential father, or are you trying to find a way out of taking care of a child that could potentially be yours?


Does she sleep around? were you ALWAYS protected? Was she on the pill, or did she lie about being on the pill? (its happened)


Im the last person to give advice that you should just take her word for it and 'man up' and be a daddy. For all you know she could be lying. But the fact that your asking for a paternity test says alot about your relationship with her, and the fact that you just dont trust what she says.

as far as i know she was a bit of a ho, she was on the pill, and as far as trust with her i dont think there is none, i really cant blame anybody for all this except myself. If she wasnt crazy i wouldnt be as hesitate, dam i hate alcohol on days like this.

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as far as i know she was a bit of a ho, she was on the pill, and as far as trust with her i dont think there is none, i really cant blame anybody for all this except myself. If she wasnt crazy i wouldnt be as hesitate, dam i hate alcohol on days like this.


I see what your saying. I would definitly get some sort of paternity test. There are ways it can be court ordered but then you would involve lawyer's and you said her family is wealthy. Try to work things out but have a backup plan. Keep some sort of record when/if she does crazy stuff again. You said she tried to commit suicide, Given the choice of custody do you think the court would give a child to a suicidal mother or the father? If it comes to that anyway.

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I dont have any record of her trying suicide so it would be just my word against hers, unless there was a way to get ahold of records from the hospital somehow, but i doubt they would just hand over someone elses record to. dam the 1974 privacy act, maybe i should whip out the patriot act and call her a terrorist and then get her medical history
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