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Movie Review: Fantasic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer


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Disclaimer: As with Spiderman 3, I did not read any comics really growing up, so my review is not concered with historical accuracy.


Summary: The second installment of the Fantastic Four series, the crew finds themselves in another bind as an unidentified being has arrived on Earth and is wreaking havoc wherever he travels. Eventually called the Silver Surfer, this extraterrestial entity leads an omnipotent planet-eater with a voracious appetite for organic "food" towards Earth. The 4 must team up with their nemesis, Dr. Doom, to find a way to stop the Silver Surfer and the destruction soon to follow in his wake.


Pros: Relatively good action, rather impressive special effects, plenty of comic relief, and Jessica Alba.


Cons: Ms. Alba, while gorgeous, is far from an amazing actress (none of them are incredible, though Chris Evans aka Johnny Storm is badass), the entire wedding storyline (though somewhat important) was kinda retarded, and the ending/climax/twist was rather predictable.


Conclusion: 3.5/5.0. Definitely a fun movie to watch. It's entertaining and comical, and no doubt great for kids. Outside of interesting special effects, though, it doesn't seem to hold a great deal of adult appeal. I would say it's worth seeing in the theatres if the general genre suits you, especially if you have children. But it's not exactly a film that you'll be talking about too much after watching it.



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