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So I've got it in my head that I'm going to build a lightweight car around a motorcycle engine. Should be good for some laughs when its done in a couple years but I've been thinking about roadblocks and one I'm very unsure about is how to get it on the road legally. Does anyone know what the laws are in Ohio about home built vehicles, kit cars, ect? Probably more likely and better yet would be if someone knew a good starting point to find this information. I'm planning to use a bike with a title so I think I could assign the vehicle that VIN and title. Any thoughts discouraging or encouraging?

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Was a bit more along the lines of what I was thinking. Maybe not with a 350 hp custom V8 made from two busa motors fused together, but something with the engine in the back to a chain driven diff with a pushrod suspension. 200 MPH in a smart car has to be terrifying too, lol.

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The smart car with a Suzuki motor is a pretty neat idea, but if you check out the link to the DP1 I posted earlier its just in another category. The problem with starting with a street car is the fundamental design isn't made for going fast. By starting with my own frame I can design it so that it hardly weighs anything and so that the suspension is optimized for performance driving. If I was going to do it with a street car I think I'd start with something more like a civic coupe, with the availability of aftermarket suspension support for that frame and the low starting weight (sure its heavier than a smart car, but I can make it lose quite a few pounds) it would make a good platform for a rear engine setup. Anyway, to each his own, this type of project is all about doing what you want.

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If you're looking for a powerplant, I've only put about 2k miles on my busa since turbo installation and dyno tuning, ridden responsibly, I just changed the oil to amsoil. If interested, I'd be willing to sell you the entire car kit with turbo, rad, guages, controls.

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Sounds like there's no shortage of support and interest here, thanks for the support guys! Once I get heavy into the project if its okay with the mods I'll start a thread and try to update regularly, I'm not building this thing to make money so everything will be public and up for criticism. As far as a powerplant magifesq, I'm just not there yet, also I think I'm going to end up with a 600 for testing and upgrade to a 1000+ once the suspension is sorted and I've saved a bit more cash. If anyone knows someone who's got a running or almost running 90's 600 for $500 or less let me know.

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Chapter 4501-33 Self-Assembled Motor Vehicle Inspections

4501-33-01 Application, fees, receipts for inspection.

(A) Application for inspection by the state highway patrol of a motor vehicle assembled from component parts by a person other than the manufacturer as provided in section 4505.111 of the Revised Code.

(1) An applicant shall contact a deputy registrar location to purchase a motor vehicle inspection receipt.

(2) Upon application completion and proper payment of the applicable fees for a motor vehicle inspection receipt, the deputy registrar location assigns a sequential number and issues a motor vehicle “Receipt for Inspection” (see appendix) for each vehicle to be inspected.

(3) Once a motor vehicle inspection receipt has been purchased, an applicant may request a refund by contacting the Ohio state highway patrol, office of licensing and commercial standards, with a letter of explanation as to why the refund is being requested. The original receipt shall accompany this request. In the case of a lost, stolen, or mutilated motor vehicle inspection receipt, an applicant must reapply with the proper fee before issuance of another receipt for inspection.

(4) At the time of the inspection, the applicant shall give one inspection receipt to the inspection officer for each vehicle to be inspected. No inspection will be made without an original motor vehicle inspection receipt.

(5) Upon receipt of the original motor vehicle inspection receipt, the inspecting officer shall inspect the vehicle, record the inspection receipt number on the motor vehicle inspection form, and provide to the applicant a copy of the motor vehicle inspection form.

(B) Application for inspection by the state highway patrol of a motor vehicle titled with a salvage certificate of title and restored for operation upon the highways as provided in section 4505.11 of the Revised Code.

(1) An applicant shall contact a deputy registrar location to purchase a motor vehicle inspection receipt.

(2) Upon application completion and proper payment of the applicable fees for a motor vehicle inspection receipt, the deputy registrar location assigns a sequential number and issues a motor vehicle “Receipt for Inspection” (see appendix) for each vehicle to be inspected.

(3) Once a motor vehicle inspection receipt has been purchased, an applicant may request a refund by contacting the Ohio state highway patrol, office of licensing and commercial standards, with a letter of explanation as to why the refund is being requested. The original receipt shall accompany this request. In the case of a lost, stolen, or mutilated motor vehicle inspection receipt, an applicant must reapply with the proper fee before issuance of another receipt for inspection.

(4) At the time of the inspection, the applicant shall give one inspection receipt to the inspection officer for each vehicle to be inspected. No inspection will be made without an original motor vehicle inspection receipt.

(5) Upon receipt of the original motor vehicle inspection receipt, the inspecting officer shall inspect the vehicle, record the inspection receipt number on the motor vehicle inspection form, and provide to the applicant a copy of the motor vehicle inspection form.

Effective: 06/19/2008

R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/09/2009

Promulgated Under: 111.15

Statutory Authority: R.C. 4505.111, R.C. 5503.03

Rule Amplifies: R.C. 4505.11, R.C. 4505.111

Prior Effective Dates: 2/11/82, 3/27/04

4501-33-02 Presentation of evidence of ownership.

(A) Every applicant for a state highway patrol inspection of a motor vehicle assembled from parts by a person other than the manufacturer as provided in section 4505.111 of the Revised Code shall at the time of inspection present notarized bills of sale for all casual sales of each major component part, or an official business receipt for all business sales of each major component part, or any certificate of title for each major component part used to build the particular vehicle. Such major component parts shall include, but not be limited to, major body parts, frame, and drive train.

(B) Every applicant for a state highway patrol inspection of a motor vehicle titled with a salvage certificate of title and restored for operation upon the highways as provided in section 4505.11 of the Revised Code shall at the time of inspection present notarized bills of sale for all casual sales of each major component part, or an official business receipt for all business sales of each major component part, or any certificate of title for each major component part used to rebuild the particular vehicle. Such major component parts shall include, but not be limited to, major body parts, frame, and drive train.

HISTORY: Eff 2-11-82; 3-27-04

Rule promulgated under: RC 111.15

Rule authorized by: RC 4505.111, 5503.03

Rule amplifies: RC 4505.11, 4505.111

RC 119.032 review date: 3/09/09

4501-33-03 Inspection of additional numbers.

(A) In addition to motor vehicle number and vehicle identification number, inspection of a motor vehicle assembled from component parts by a person other than the manufacturer as provided in section 4505.111 of the Revised Code shall include, but not be limited to, the following numbers:

(1) The federal safety decal number;

(2) The confidential manufacturer’s applied number;

(3) Any manufacturer’s applied number which can be traced by available records to the original vehicle identification number;

(4) Any owner’s applied number which can be traced to the original owner or identification number.

(B) In addition to motor vehicle numbers and vehicle identification number, inspection of a motor vehicle titled with a salvage certificate of title and restored for operation upon the highways as provided in section 4505.11 of the Revised Code shall include, but not be limited to, the following numbers:

(1) The federal safety decal number;

(2) The confidential manufacturer’s applied number;

(3) Any manufacturer’s applied number which can be traced by available records to the original vehicle identification number;

(4) Any owner’s applied number which can be traced to the original owner or identification number.

HISTORY: Eff 2-11-82; 3-27-04

Rule promulgated under: RC 111.15

Rule authorized by: RC 4505.111, 5503.03

Rule amplifies: RC 4505.11, 4505.111

RC 119.032 review date: 3/09/09

4501-33-04 Identification of component parts.

(A) Each inspection of a motor vehicle assembled from component parts by a person other than the manufacturer as provided in section 4505.111 of the Revised Code shall include inspection for identification for all component parts used to build the particular vehicle.

(B) Each inspection of a motor vehicle titled with a salvage certificate of title and restored for operation upon the highways as provided in section 4505.11 of the Revised Code shall include inspection for identification for all component parts used to rebuild or restore the particular vehicle.

HISTORY: Replaces: former 4501-33-09; Eff 2-11-82; 3-27-04

Rule promulgated under: RC 111.15

Rule authorized by: RC 4505.111, 5503.03

Rule amplifies: RC 4505.11, 4505.111

RC 119.032 review date: 3/09/09

4501-33-05 Disposition of receipt. [Rescinded]

Rescinded eff 3-27-04

4501-33-06 Inspection of vehicle(s). [Rescinded]

Rescinded eff 3-27-04

4501-33-07 Presentation of evidence of ownership. [Rescinded]

Rescinded eff 3-27-04

4501-33-08 Inspection of additional numbers. [Rescinded]

Rescinded eff 3-27-04

4501-33-09 Identification of component parts. [Rescinded]

Rescinded eff 3-27-04

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Well. I'm selling a 1990 gsx600f Katana that comes with another motor. The extra motor just needs the tranny put back on and the motor thats on the bike just needs the carbs synched. Carbs have been completely rebuilt. The best I could do on the deal is about 1100 but that includes everything.

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