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So a 100-Foot deep lake just disappears


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It's all the water usage due to blown headgaskets.


Seriously, though, there's probably an underground aquafier as with many lakes. There may've been a large cave-in underground opening a large enough area to swallow all the water. There are lakes underground to dwarve those above.


Strike that. It was aliens.

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A river that flowed out of the lake was reduced to a trickle.


Would seem to me that a good answer for this is that somewhere a landmass has broke loose and drained the lake.

U'mm some one would have noticed, allot. That much water would have made it to a river system that would have flash flooded. Look up the Lawn Lake disaster in the Rockies. A comparatively tiny mountain lake let loose and swamped a town 10 miles away.


Chille is volcanic. A magma chamber could have been made available by way of small cave in. There are lots of active volcanoes in the area, big ones. This happening in Nebraska would be odd, but in Chille, it's just neat.

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U'mm some one would have noticed, allot. That much water would have made it to a river system that would have flash flooded. Look up the Lawn Lake disaster in the Rockies. A comparatively tiny mountain lake let loose and swamped a town 10 miles away.


Chille is volcanic. A magma chamber could have been made available by way of small cave in. There are lots of active volcanoes in the area, big ones. This happening in Nebraska would be odd, but in Chille, it's just neat.


UMM read the post above yours umm.


I suppose you know about the farmer who owns a volcano?

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I suppose you know about the farmer who owns a volcano?

Actually, there is one, but that's another story.


You said a landmass broke loose and drained the lake. This would imply and above-ground event that cleared a section of natural earthen dam...If you meant something similar to what I was saying, ya sholdn't have said Landmass.

Back on topic, the ice chunks will lead yo to the drain, they will be accumulated around it.

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