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interesting reading


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i am bored and at work. luckily, i have internet access, unluckily, i suck at the internet. someone find me some cool shit to read about while i am here, since its seems that baseciv vs. kevin isnt holding my attention. no vids, cant watch them.


the first one who finds me some cool shit to look into gets a gold star.

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i am bored and at work. luckily, i have internet access, unluckily, i suck at the internet. someone find me some cool shit to read about while i am here, since its seems that baseciv vs. kevin isnt holding my attention. no vids, cant watch them.


the first one who finds me some cool shit to look into gets a gold star.




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dammit akula, i cant watch that shit. i got no sound on this computer.


trip, hell no. i know that mofo is guilty.


trowa, im not much into the entertainment scene. and i really, REALLY do not give a fuck about harry potter. at least the top 5 stories on that site were all about that prepubescent man-witch.

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trowa, you get a gold star. way to go.


"Do you sell mod chips?"


"Go ahead, ask me what I sell."

"What do you sell?"


"I sell video games. What a stupid question."

"What does a mod chip cost?"


"Apparently one of us isn't keeping up."

"What do you mean?"


"If I sold you a mod chip, then you would never buy a game from me ever again. And that would be very much in opposition to my being able to run a profitable business."

"I just want one to play copied games."


"What? Do I look like an idiot? What the hell did you think I thought you wanted it for?"



"Exactly. Now look, if I were to sell you a mod chip I would lose you as a customer. Now, if I were going to lose you as a customer I'd rather do it on a high note like setting you on fire. At least then I would have some satisfaction of a job well done."

"I'm leaving!"

"But I haven't set you on fire yet!"


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There is also this page http://aog.2y.net/comic/Archive.html which is gord's writings in comic book form, but it is incomplete. Still worth checking out.


Also speaking of webcomics (i read way to fracking many) this comic has to be the best I have ever read. If you are into comics I suggest starting on the first one and read through all the archives. Good way to kill time.




Also the comic below is about a video game store. It isn't updated as frequently as before but the archives still work.




That should be enough reading for a few days.

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i am bored and at work. luckily, i have internet access, unluckily, i suck at the internet. someone find me some cool shit to read about while i am here, since its seems that baseciv vs. kevin isnt holding my attention. no vids, cant watch them.


the first one who finds me some cool shit to look into gets a gold star.

My question, when you learn to read?

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