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Hi from Baltimore!!!

2.oh so slow

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Wow,,, 31..


She's out of leghumping range from most.

She's safe.




When you get up there in age with me 31 looks good, 40 sometimes is not bad either

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Jamie is going to kick you in the throat next time she sees you. That shouldn't be to hard since you are taller than everything. FREAK




Clark Manning


Poor Clark, everyone picks on you. BTW Eric has a Finacee that treats him like a king (I should know) and Josh has a wife that does the same. Are you guys makin fun of Clark bc you are in the same boat? ;)


BTW Hi newb. You might need a cream to get rid of the rash these boys will cause on your leg!

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When you get up there in age with me 31 looks good, 40 sometimes is not bad either


they say that the 30's are the new 20's

i'm not sure i believe that but when i'm on campus they always think i have a fake i.d.

besides women in their thirties are normally more confident with themselves, more secure in their own skin and know what they want and how to get it especially in the most important area...

besides its more in the attitude and how you live life, not in the age.

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