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Ok other than Matt who bumped into who all went? Who is going tomorrow?


I have to say I got a little "geeked out" today. I was walking around late in the day (almost closing time) and I walk up to the year one tent to see the Smokey and the bandit car from the cover of hot rod. Car is SICK, I an not a huge fan of that body style bad dam that one is hot. Then I proseed to find the Rad Rides By Troy tent where they have there show car, Oh ya the 4 cyclinder show car happens to be a 250+ mph bonneville salt flat car (bloofish) The craftsmanship in it is top notch. While I am standing there looking at the thing I start talking to a guy about the car and he is telling me all about it. About how when they went to bonneville last year they weren't really ready and it hit 250 with a gear still left. So they figure this year 300 is doable. Then I find out the guy is Troy trepanier's father so that is cool for me since I realy dig there work. So I start to walk away and see Troy himself standing there so I say hello and shake his hand. Then I notice he is starting a video to watch with a guy he seems to know so I continue to stand there and see it is a in house vid of the build of the riddeler winning car and the whole vid he is standing there making coments on how they built this and that. So I found that real cool. So after walking around awhile more I go to leave I am walking back by troy's tent again and Chip foose is standing there with his dad talking to the guys at Bowling trans about a ford coupe he is building for himself. So after he finishes talking I say hello and talked to him for a minute or so about getting on overhauling and what he realy looks for in a guy to work for him Schooling and skills and such.



SO cliffs today I got to meet (more than the autograph line type setting) The top two guys I admire in the car biz. And am pretty happy about it. Now if I could meet Saleen and Shelby I whould be done :D

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I went yesterday, saw scott as I was heading out for a bit. At Napa they were giving away 1/2 tickets and I had 4 of them, saved some cash for sure. We'll probably end up going back again today, I agree swap meet was way too small and there are a shitload of cars there, inside and out of the fairgrounds! I got burnt yesterday, lol, but it was awesome, I can't believe some of the price tags on some cars, :eek: But they were insanely nice.
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