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Anybody ever live in the southern ohio/Chillicothe area??


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Well there aren't 1000 assholes all around you at any given time on the roads and in stores. Other than that southern ohio sucks for jobs or doing much of anything other than enjoying not having all those people I mentioned. At least you get the outdoors and all the rest of the same old stuff you'd be doing in the city. Really if you got a good job down there go for it. I'd move back in a second if someone would match my pay. I lived near Marietta for reference. I'd imagine Chilicothe or anywhere else near there would be even more lame yet peaceful.



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My ex use to live in Washington Courthouse which isn't too far from chillicothe if i remember it correctly. I spent alot of time in dublin/wash. crthouse area etc... All of those town's are pretty much the same 'small town' feeling. Personally I like it but there are alot of downsides.


Hard to find a decent job, dont think their everywhere like they are here. If you work in ANY service industry/food job your making minimum wage. Other than that you might have to drive a few miles to find some sort of manufacturing plant of some sort, or a shitty warehouse job etc.. Evan's right there aren't alot of assholes around all the time but you get alot of that "good ol' boy" attitude. Yes it is the country and more of a chance to do things outdoors but most of the area is farmland so there isn't a whole lot to do.


Other than that I wouldnt mind buying some land to retire out there one day but personally I'd rather live in the city right now.

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