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joe you might want to let a couple of little kids rampage through your house and see what happens

it onlt takes mine about 15 minutes to trash the place



Joe pass on that. Kids are the biggest STD known to man :p:p:p

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joe you might want to let a couple of little kids rampage through your house and see what happens

it onlt takes mine about 15 minutes to trash the place

Dude, I've been to more customers houses with house wives than you could possibly imagine.


I'd be a "house wife" any day of the week. Not NEARLY as hard of a job as they make it out to be, when compared to even a 9-5 office job, and especially not worth the $$ they think they deserve for it. Unless you mean sitting on a couch stuffing your face watching soaps while the kids play in another room, or are napping.


Then the husband has to come home, do chores around the house (wait, shouldn't that be the house wive's job, since that's part of HER duties), etc. I will NEVER, EVER have a house wife.

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Ugh, a joke about some housewife trying to make her "job" sound way harder than it really is.


Quoted for truth. :thumbup:


joe you might want to let a couple of little kids rampage through your house and see what happens

it onlt takes mine about 15 minutes to trash the place


Dave, you probably let your kids run with chainsaws.

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Guest hotrodmama024
Dude, I've been to more customers houses with house wives than you could possibly imagine.


I'd be a "house wife" any day of the week. Not NEARLY as hard of a job as they make it out to be, when compared to even a 9-5 office job, and especially not worth the $$ they think they deserve for it. Unless you mean sitting on a couch stuffing your face watching soaps while the kids play in another room, or are napping.


Then the husband has to come home, do chores around the house (wait, shouldn't that be the house wive's job, since that's part of HER duties), etc. I will NEVER, EVER have a house wife.


Coming from a mother that works everyday of her life... I would love to be a fucking house wife! Its not hard to cook, clean and take care of kids. Now doing that while working sucks ass! But like i quoted before, its not easy anymore for a family to survive off of one income confortably.

Btw.. does every women watch soaps?

I have never watched soaps but that seems to be the biggest issue!

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I spent almost 2 years as a house husband until Corey talked me out of retirement to come work at the shop.


Best 2 years of my life.


PS if you think taking care of a household is not hard, then you're not doing it right. (course my wife had no chores either).



SlowMotion Motorsports

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I'm a stay at home dad for a few more weeks, God I love it. It is way easy, and I am a cripple, I still clean and vacuum and cook, feed a child and entertain her. I would feel very bad to want to be paid for this.


Oh and I am doing it right, the key is to always keep things clean and to marry a neat freak. SO you never really have to do too much hard cleaning, just a vacuum each day and some light wiping down of things and doing all laundry each day helps a lot. It's 2 small loads. :rolleyes:

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Guest Dat Woman U luv2hate
Dude, I've been to more customers houses with house wives than you could possibly imagine.


I'd be a "house wife" any day of the week. Not NEARLY as hard of a job as they make it out to be, when compared to even a 9-5 office job, and especially not worth the $$ they think they deserve for it. Unless you mean sitting on a couch stuffing your face watching soaps while the kids play in another room, or are napping.


Then the husband has to come home, do chores around the house (wait, shouldn't that be the house wive's job, since that's part of HER duties), etc. I will NEVER, EVER have a house wife.


I simply LOVE how men can say that, Thank God for alimony. At least the law reconizes the 24 hr job it is being a mother, house or working. I fortunatly have never had the chance to be a "housemom" But I am cool I would not do it if I could. I want to teach my kids to get out there and work for a living and not depend on no BODY man or woman to pay your bills. Too many women are self employed popping out babies so they can get welfare or child support sometimes even both, just to sit on their lazy asses eating bon bons watchin soaps as he said.

The post I left was a joke not a real story for the jackass who really thought it true,LMFAO! Working 9-5 and being a single mother is a never ending job till those lil heathens go to sleep, then its time to clean the house and start all over again. All I can say to all you men who pawn off the kids on someone else wife or not is this....One day when you wonder why your child doesnt come to you with problems and wanting advise...look in the mirror, and step up and BE there for your children.

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I'm sorry but I dont consider my kids a job. Yes I joke around, but in reality I enjoy my time with them. My wife on the other hand can be considered a second job!!!


Yes my kids can be frustrating at times, but the stress my kids give me cannot be compared to the stress my job causes. When I get home from work I dont consider cleaning my house stressful. I dont see doing normal daily routines as a problem. If I were a single parent my only issues would be driving all over the place to pick them up and drop them off.... but then again my kids are old enough now to go outside and play until the street lights cut on.

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Working 9-5 and being a single mother is a never ending job till those lil heathens go to sleep, then its time to clean the house and start all over again.




There is so much fucked up about this statement I don't know where to begin. Is this really the "norm" in America? This is acceptable and something to be proud of?

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Guest Removed
Brunettes suck mean cock.




that all depends on the women....


i know one that could suck start a harley


i know another that could suck start my race car. ;)

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I simply LOVE how men can say that, Thank God for alimony. At least the law reconizes the 24 hr job it is being a mother, house or working. I fortunatly have never had the chance to be a "housemom" But I am cool I would not do it if I could. I want to teach my kids to get out there and work for a living and not depend on no BODY man or woman to pay your bills. Too many women are self employed popping out babies so they can get welfare or child support sometimes even both, just to sit on their lazy asses eating bon bons watchin soaps as he said.

The post I left was a joke not a real story for the jackass who really thought it true,LMFAO! Working 9-5 and being a single mother is a never ending job till those lil heathens go to sleep, then its time to clean the house and start all over again. All I can say to all you men who pawn off the kids on someone else wife or not is this....One day when you wonder why your child doesnt come to you with problems and wanting advise...look in the mirror, and step up and BE there for your children.

Uhh, working a 9-5 job != being a house wife.


You can't imagine how many fat broads I see with their filthly homes, 3 little brats running around, while their fat asses are sitting around watching TV and doing NOTHING. Sadly, THAT is your typical house wife.


If some chick wants to be a house wife, though would never be MY house wife as I don't believe in that BS, the house better be so clean I can eat off of every surface in the damn place, children should be well raised, and the only things I should EVER have to do when I get home is a a fix-it project or the like that she may not be able to do, and spending some time with the rugrats.


Then again, I'm unmarried with no kids, and if I marry my g/f, she sure as hell doesn't want to be some housewife.

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My wife thinks she'd enjoy staying home too....she'll pull her hair out and kill the kids in less than a week.....or perhaps the kids would kill her....they have way to much fun at daycare/school to be stuck at home....and there's no way one person could do all the things with them each day that they do all day at daycare/school.


The way we do it is we save every penny from her practice and invest it so that we can retire as early as possible with a level of income/money that we are happy with. That's the plan anyway. Target age for hard core daddy fun is 55. The real fight becomes trying to not only combat increasing costs of everything but also fighting off any other financial changes that occur :confused:


Coming from a mother that works everyday of her life... I would love to be a fucking house wife! Its not hard to cook, clean and take care of kids. Now doing that while working sucks ass! But like i quoted before, its not easy anymore for a family to survive off of one income confortably.

Btw.. does every women watch soaps?

I have never watched soaps but that seems to be the biggest issue!

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I like plan C) get fixed...


I am doing that very soon. ;)

I may put my boys on ice, that way I can breed an Army, and finally get that Damn Cuba!!!

If I could be a house Husband, I would take that on in a second. But no soccer for my kids; they would have to play a real sport. ;)

Step 1: Joe sells bird

Step 2: Joe starts wearing pink

Step 3: Acceptance of situation

Step 4: Mini-van with fold down DVD player and navigation, and 2 SLIDING DOORS!!

Step 5: Make dinner in microwave

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