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Martial Arts


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I know we have some guys on here that have or currently do take martial arts. When I was a kid I took Shōrin-ryū (Matsubayashi). I took it for almost 3 years, I enjoyed it but I tried to go back into it and felt it was to I dunno to much with hands.



I am looking to start something like this in the mornings to help in my weight loss.



So my question. What style did or do you take? Whats the basis for it? Grabs/Takedowns/Kicks/Grapple. I would like to find something around worthington if possible.

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Dude, don't take martial arts to loose weight, its a waste of time and money, seriously. The fastest way for you to loose weight is to run your ass off in the morning, and do some weights in the evening. Hell, wear some 5lb wrist and ankle braclets when you run. "Tae Bo" and "cardio Kickboxing" are just bright shiny objects to get people to buy classes.


Don't take martial arts classes unless you want to learn.

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matsurbate.....what? I never heard of that style ;):p


I took Ju-Jitsu. IMO, the best all around for the moves you mentioned and for personal safety/defense. However, I will agree with the previous post that you won't want to start it as a method of weight loss. It's a way of thinking and changing behavior more than a diet plan.


If you're interested in learning martial arts as a form overall, it is a great style to get into once you've accomplished your weight goal. Depending on how often you train it will keep the lbs off.


I trained 5 days a week back in the day maintained a 29" waist and was lean mean 150-160lbs. I really need to get back into shape :( 36"/185-190 isn't my ideal spot :eek:




I know we have some guys on here that have or currently do take martial arts. When I was a kid I took Shōrin-ryū (Matsubayashi).
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I'm not taking it to lose weight persay I think i mis wordered it. Its more of something healthy to add to my lifestyle. Running bores the hell out of me. I've lost allot of weight so far (over 80lbs) I want to start toning up and I really really enjoyed martial arts.


I also used to find it a great stress reliever.

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Dude, don't take martial arts to loose weight, its a waste of time and money, seriously. The fastest way for you to loose weight is to run your ass off in the morning, and do some weights in the evening. Hell, wear some 5lb wrist and ankle braclets when you run. "Tae Bo" and "cardio Kickboxing" are just bright shiny objects to get people to buy classes.


Don't take martial arts classes unless you want to learn.


How do you figure? It works the cores and some forms provide resistance type training, which help the muscle building process. I can say I've picked up dedication and discipline by concentrating on form, making my workouts and sessions much more effective.



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Dude, don't take martial arts to loose weight, its a waste of time and money, seriously. The fastest way for you to loose weight is to run your ass off in the morning, and do some weights in the evening. Hell, wear some 5lb wrist and ankle braclets when you run. "Tae Bo" and "cardio Kickboxing" are just bright shiny objects to get people to buy classes.


Don't take martial arts classes unless you want to learn.


I get what your saying but I think what thorne is trying to do is find something to do that will give him a workout but is something he in genuinly interested in. I started playing hockey last year not to neccessarily lose weight (though it was a huge help) but b/c i wanted to play again. Sports in general are a great way to take you mind off of excercise. When i run on the treadmill i get bored. when i play hockey im way to occupied to think about anything else. I think I'll try picking up boxing next though.

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my brother used karate till he was 16 than went to kick boxing till the army and now is in Ju-Jitsu, kickboxing and swimming to get his weight back down after his episode with cancer. Is big now but has lost a lot of weight since the last time he was home. he said swimming is the best cause it works everything constantly.
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Well not sure about some of the responses but I am a cert. personal trainer. I also have a black belt in Combat JUI JITSU and have studied Muay Thai, Jeet kun do (bruce Lee's pat.) Kung Fu and wrestled. And by far the best way to burn the most fat is on a mat giving 110% I use to fight MMA and I was more ripped then than doing body building with a good diet and cardio. And I'm 5'8" 220 with abs still. I do have throwing mats and am looking for another mat to train ground skills on.( ie wrestling mat) So yes you can get ripped doing Martial Arts! Would love to get a group together and start training again. NATE
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I miss read the last part of your question. Any style where you use your arms and legs will burn the most fat. Thats why thai bo works so well with people. When your arms and legs are going you get the most out of it. If you get into a class that does grappling you will definalty get rid of some pounds. Karate is hard blocks. Kung Fu is more soft blocking. Muai Thai is alot of knees and elbow striking. Trad. Jui Jitsu is more throwing, Judo is sport Jui Jitsu, and Gracie Jui Jitsu is alot of ground fighting. Helson has a school near you but of course he does not teach it as he lives in Brazil. But he does come visit sevral times a year. Hope this clears it all up!
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Well not sure about some of the responses but I am a cert. personal trainer. I also have a black belt in Combat JUI JITSU and have studied Muay Thai, Jeet kun do (bruce Lee's pat.) Kung Fu and wrestled. And by far the best way to burn the most fat is on a mat giving 110% I use to fight MMA and I was more ripped then than doing body building with a good diet and cardio. And I'm 5'8" 220 with abs still. I do have throwing mats and am looking for another mat to train ground skills on.( ie wrestling mat) So yes you can get ripped doing Martial Arts! Would love to get a group together and start training again. NATE


Is combat jui jitsu any differnt then jujitsu? Pardon my ignorance...:)

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Yeah, I'm really into doing this I'm going to cruise around this week coming up and find some dojo's near my house. Boxing is ok, But I've never really cared for it personally. I think I'm going to call some places around the house and see if they have a intro week or something so I can try a few styles out or atleast go watch.
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Yes what we thought is alot of throwing but we also do joint distruction and body control. Also know as small circle Jui Jitsu. When you can throw someone 40-50mph into the ground why ball up you fist! LOL




Sounds like judo on crack...


I have a buddy who's trying to get me to do muay thai and ju(i?) Jitsu over at Gracie in Westerville. I pee my pants when we spar standing.

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