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gear tips


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so im starting to gear up for riding

as of now i have a heavy textile jacket with back shoulder/forearm armor

alpine star gppro gloves

and come spring time i'll have puma v2 1000 boots

what other stuff is worth grabbing?

like decent leather riding pants with pucks etc that are fairly priced..

the pants i want to get are dainese racing leathers but theyre 500 and im spending money like crazy :)

not that i dont mind..its pretty much all im working for is to gear myself up

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just an FYI that jacket is a one time use jacket, once you crash you will need to buy a new one.

everything else looks save for the pants. if your going to spend 500 on pants alone, why not chalk a few more hundred bucks and get yourself a decent 1pc full suit. and there are actually full suits you can get for 500 bucks right now especially in the winter.

plus textile jackets and leather pants don't really go well together...

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alkjdf yeahhhh i've been meaning to get a new helmet cause mine was my step dads and its a little too big and all dinged up.

Im just not sure if i should grab an offbrand helmet for cheap at the honda dealer by my house or spend a bit of money to get a decent branded helmet?

Also i want to get geared up nicely cause this summer im looking to spend a lot of time at the track working on my riding.

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wait. you wanna go cheap on your head, but yet get 500 dollar pants?

that makey no sensey...

helmet first dude.

get the rest accordingly. and the more you save buying gear the more trackday's you can do... not saying don't skimp on gear, but sometimes you don't need to get the top of the line stuff all the time (save for your head) i did just fine with entry level boots and gloves for 2 years before i upgraded myself. also keep poking around those ebay dealers i got my suit for 75% off.

Edited by natedogg624
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just an fyi, the pants arent for sure..

i was looking at an icon or agv helmet because i need a new helmet first

but if i am to get pants the dainese are what i want cause im a small guy and its hard finding stuff that fits me.

also money isnt that big of an issue

the way im looking at this is ..i'd rather save up that extra couple hundred bucks and get something of better quality than go for something a bit cheaper. I'm only 17 have no bills to pay so i make money super fast thanks to the bad lobster :)

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i have seen some reports that icon isn't really top notch. looks kinda cool but aren't really that great in the safety dept (this has probably changed since i first saw them a few years ago but ill try and find them.)

id go with agv. but thats just me.

how small are you? i consider myself to be pretty small too. may want to talk with jarvism he's a pretty small guy too.

btw are you dead set on a 2pc? or considering a 1pc?

and if money really is no issue go with a leather jacket. if i had to start over again i would get leather instead of textile.

ha money is no issue. just you wait...

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well im about 5'8 and 130lbs clothed lol i think my waist perfect fit is 27 inches but i can fit into a 30 waist.

the textile jacket was just something i picked up because it was 100 bucks and i had nothing to start with. it isnt thin textile though like it feels comparable to probably a couple layers of jean and i've gone down once in it at about 50 mph the stomach and forearm are scratched but not ripped through. No im not stuck on a 2 pc i've been looking into one pieces actually.

hahah and im aware of how much the money will be an issue farther down..between now and the end of next summer i'll probably be spending close to 7-8 thousand or more between all my gear, bike repairs cause i know im bound to crash at the track, and probably another bike altogether... its sad :( i wish 10s of thousands of dollars to just spend as i please but thats life

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be a little more specific on too big. different companies have different cuts of suits (ie joe rocket more room in the stomach, a star broader shoulders etc -- this may not be right but you get the idea)

when you tried on a suit what manuf was it and what size? was it too big in your chest, stomach, too long in your arms/legs?

give some more details and we on here should be able to point you in the right direction. also give sportbiketrackgear.com a call tomorrow and they are EXTREMELY helpful with this kind of thing. 1-888-784-4327

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i havent tried any suits on yet, i've mainly been looking on the internet

but i have broad shoulders for my size..about 28-30in waist should do

im about 5'8.

After looking at sizing charts etc most suits that fit my waist are too small height-wise etc. Maybe this spring time i should ride out to some shops . only problem is im not too sure where many are that have suits in stock and ready to be tried on

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well then

what brands? cause i've been looking around for gear since the beginning of last summer before i started riding, and most stuff is too big

I meant that everytime I find a really good price on suits it's always in the smaller sizes (that don't fit me) :( ...I recommend iron pony for suit sizing and then go find the best price online or order through your relative

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