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Is it illegal to just put my front license plate in my front window of my car? as long as you can see it clearly is that ok? i have seen many cars around that just have it in thier window and i am curious. i am getting a new front bumper tomorrow and i am worndering if i can just but it in the window.
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ive been pulled over many times in the DSM and my front plate has been in my front window since day one, never been ticketed. I just give the excuse the car didnt come with a front plate bracket and I just bought one and point to the bracket in the back seat lol and get off everytime
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I've been getting away with the window plate for a long, long time now. Now that I'm in Ohio, I think they leave me alone since my plates are still Texas.

If not drilling into your new bumper is that important to you, then just put it in the front window. Just be careful if your riding dirty, heh, as it could be used as an excuse to pull you over. At the most, as far as I know, it's only a fix it ticket. Put some two sided tape (like the kind used for mounting car molding, etc.), if you get a ticket for it, drive it to be inspected and pay your fix it ticket which I've never seen to be more than $20 in the states I've lived in. Not sure on Ohio, though.

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I'm pretty sure that it's $100+ here. It's definitely illegal to have it in the front window, theres a chance that you would be less noticeable to not display the front at all. You just have to ask yourself if it's worth the occasional tickets for not having it.
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I was pulled over by State Highway Patrol a couple weeks ago for having no front plate displayed at all. Luckily enough I got off for that, however I did manage to pick up an 86 dollar ticked for not wearing my seat belt. I believe the officer said the fine for not having a front plate is 105 bucks...which sucks.
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i am not really wanting to put it on in the front because i am installing an aftermarket bodykit tomorrow. it doesnt come with a bracket ethier and i'm really not wanting to drill into it.


wooo hooo.. a body kit on a 16 second car.


Rock on dude.

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I grew up in Gahanna and they will pull you over for just about anything exhaust, tint, no front license plate ext..) They really don’t have much to do some times and got tickets for both tint and no-front plate in gahanna. I already thought things over with my vette and plan on telling the officer I bought the car from Florida (do not require a front license plate and you can legally do u-turns their also. Thought I would add that in) and I plan on buying a bracket as I don’t want to drill into my front end. Basically give him a bunch of excuses. If that doesn’t work and I end up getting a ticket I will use some Velcro to the front end for the plate and get my car inspected. Take pics with the plates on the car and fight the ticket in court. It’s basically a fix it ticket.
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Cops will look for any reason to pull someone over those bastards!!


Yes it is illegal it must be displayed on the front of the vehicle. I usually look for more than one violation on a person to pull them over. I usually get much better cooperation from people when I let them know that I have seen multiple moving violations or equipment violations. I treat them with respect and expect the same in return, which may also help them getting out of the ticket with me.

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Does a fix-it ticket go on your record?


It is considered a non moving volition. So no it doesn't go your driving record.


ha. i thought so. same taste in cars...i used to hang out at dennis's house with everyone WAY back in the day.


you used to have the black camaro right? you've been at city bbq for a while


I remember you, yeah we were pretty crazy back in the day lol. Have to come out some time...

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If i ever do get pulled over for it i will just tell the cop the truth then i guess. it was a pretty expensive front bumper and i really didn't want to damage it. i did happen to buy the car in michigan a couple years ago though, so would that be worth mentioning?
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