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Hit & Run Driver ID - Anyone here know this guy?


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Does anyone here know the 25 year old drive Spence Andrews? According to the news report he lives less than 1 mile from Smokey Row & Snouffer Roads.


99% sure this is the fellow who hit the 20 year old victim Michael Sauwnie (sp?) not sure if that's how you spell his last name.


Looked to be a Red Dodge Dakota....they only showed the front end for a brief instance.

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I'm pretty sure that's him. Channel 4 ran an update giving the name of of the Victim but then retracted it and said the victims name is actually xxxxx so I'm concluding they gave the drivers name in place of the victim, etc.....The did specify the driver was 25 years old and the victim 20, thus the reason I'm asking if anyone here might know him.


He nailed him good as the hood had nice crease in it. We're only seeing one side if that really, of the story, so who knows what happened. The only things we really do know is the accident happened and the driver left the scene and had to have a court order given to get his blood.


Depending on the situation, the driver of the truck could have gotten off. Gut tells me he was in a panic and took off and or was drunk/not clean and panicked.


I believe it's Ohio law that at night bicyclists have to have a solid red or flashing light and reflectors on the rear of the bike and a white light on the front.



Billiingsly dead ends into SMokey. There's only so many residential address's off of Billingsley though you could probably go door to door in less than an hour and find him.


Is this the guy that ran over the biker this morning?

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I believe it's Ohio law that at night bicyclists have to have a solid red or flashing light and reflectors on the rear of the bike and a white light on the front.


that is correct back home me and a couple friends used to go night riding in town cop pulled us over told us to go home and if he caught us out again with lights he would ticket us. Next night we had lights he pulled us over again and thanked us.

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