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Anyone use newzbin.com?


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I was over at a friends house last night and he showed me the wonderful world of newgroups. The speeds of his downloads were a lot higher than what i'm seeing with my torrent client so I'd like to give them a shot. He said that newzbin's website makes searching for them stupid easy. Anyone care to share their login with me for a minute to see if its worth paying for?
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Thorne seems to have a hard on for the newsgroups, too. Though, Im not so sure he'd be willing to do what you're wanting. I've been tempted to take a look at them myself. I'm sure I'll have to eventually. Everything always has to 'move on' so to speak, eventually.
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Thorne has posted some good info for people that cared to read it over the past few months. including a way to use newsgroups for free


WOW and DSL people, your going to have to pay for or find your own free server, but....Time Warner has a free newserver for its customers

Time Warner = News server

grabit = d/l program

newzleech.com = nzb file site for program


thx Thorne!



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