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Pharmacists Refuse to sell plan B. (And sue)


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ooops pc froze


well might as well fill this space


Ok, I agree that the pharmacists shouldn't have to sell plan B if they don't want to.


The pharmacy then shouldn't have to continue hiring those pharmacists if they don't want to.


At a privately owned pharmacy, the pharmacy should be able to say they won't sell plan B, and fire any pharmacists that do.


If you don't support a company's policy, you are welcome to work/shop somewhere else that WILL fulfill your needs. If enough people agree with you, that company will go out of business. It's not up to the government to dictate our lives.


/Libertarian ftw!

//I always know where I stand on any given issue

///"Let me live my life, you live yours."



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I think you played out your positions long ago.


I happen to agree with the pharmacist. That Bible that you say you hold dear to you NEVER said fetus, or pregnant. it says a woman is "with child". Thats right..."with child". So plan "B" kills the child.


Are you not glad you mom was "pro-life" when she had you?


Come to think of it who are you to tell the pharmacist how to run his business? He should be able to sell what drugs he wants the consumer can go somewhere else if the really want the drug. I would not want the government telling me that I have to do something in my business that I think is immoral.


I would tend to think the extremist side of this argument's is the side that wants to make someone do something they don't want to. The Pharmacist are not saying that the women cant get the pills, they just need to go elsewhere.

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I think you played out your positions long ago.


I happen to agree with the pharmacist. That Bible that you say you hold dear to you NEVER said fetus, or pregnant. it says a woman is "with child". Thats right..."with child". So plan "B" kills the child.


Are you not glad you mom was "pro-life" when she had you?


Come to think of it who are you to tell the pharmacist how to run his business? He should be able to sell what drugs he wants the consumer can go somewhere else if the really want the drug. I would not want the government telling me that I have to do something in my business that I think is immoral.


I would tend to think the extremist side of this argument's is the side that wants to make someone do something they don't want to. The Pharmacist are not saying that the women cant get the pills, they just need to go elsewhere.



Actually since the egg is not implanted is it a child. Its a cell. not hing more

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Bill wear your helmet and shut the fuck up. :D Stick to one bitch session a day please. I'm beginning to think you are a woman. Take some Midol and sleep it off....

Can't sleep could be part of the problem I'm cralling the net honestly. But My position is I don't need someone who's being paid to do a job to prevent me from living my life based on a relgiious belief. thats all.

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OMFG please lock this thread befor V8 finds anther soul to save or a soapbox to tell you your wrong




Remember... I did not start this thread or any of the others. I think you need to rethink who is on a soap box. :rolleyes:

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So you don't believe in birthcontrol pills. Since that is partially how they work also. or The Iv type?

The mechanism of birth control pill are different. "the pill" works pre-fertilization not post.

I think we need more birth control to stop people that should not reproduce from having kids. Just come to Knox County and you will see why.

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WRONG It does use that same process. Weather or not its the primary process does not matter . It's part of it



B Intrauterine Device


The intrauterine device (IUD) is a small plastic device inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs prevent pregnancies through a number of mechanisms: they interfere with the movement of sperm and egg, they decrease the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg, or, rarely,

they prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the lining of the uterus.


An IUD must be inserted and removed by a health-care professional. Depending on the device, it must be replaced every one to ten years. A plastic string attached to the IUD hangs down through the cervix, enabling a woman to check regularly that the IUD is properly positioned. With typical use, the IUD is about 96 percent effective in preventing pregnancy. The device may increase menstrual bleeding or cause irregular bleeding or cramping. The IUD has also been associated with an increased risk for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection of the reproductive tract. However, most cases of PID that occur in women with IUDs are attributable to an STI. Other possible problems associated with IUD use include perforation of the uterus and embedding of the IUD in the uterus. In rare cases an ectopic pregnancy occurs, a serious medical complication in which a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus.


C Hormonal Contraceptives


Hormonal contraceptives deliver doses of female sex hormones that alter a woman’s reproductive cycle in one or more ways. When absorbed by the body, these hormones may interfere with ovulation to prevent the maturation and release of an egg from the ovaries; thicken the cervical mucus, which interferes with sperm movement; alter the rate at which the egg moves through the fallopian tubes to prevent sperm from meeting the egg; or

change the condition of the uterine lining to prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in it.


Available only by prescription, hormonal contraceptives are extremely effective in preventing pregnancy when used properly. Many people prefer them because their use does not interfere with sexual spontaneity. Among the drawbacks are reduced effectiveness when used in conjunction with some medications and lack of protection against STIs. Hormonal contraceptives may be administered by pill form, implant, injection, or through vaginal rings or skin patches.




My point is this. People need to keep there own BELIEFS to them selves when it comes to things that are 100% extremist things. there are tons of christians who will stand by birthcontrol because they don't know exactly how it works. BUT the same thing but in a much stronger form is bad. Why because enough people who noticed it made allot of noise.



The catholic church would like to speak to you.

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My point is this. People need to keep there own BELIEFS to them selves when it comes to things that are 100% extremist things.

So quit posting threads like this and shut up about it already. :D

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The differance is I did not press tehm upon you. I did not get in your face and force them nor did I grab your mouse and click the link.



BUT when I goto the pharmacy to pick up some pills if they say you can't have wellbutrin because scientoglogy says its wrong you would laugh....


But they believe it is wrong. does that make them right? Who cares all i care about is they imposed there beliefs upon me.

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If your going to read the thread adress my BC argument since you did not seem to know how it worked.


Now that you do will you only use condoms? Will you preech that its bad? I mean i personally have no issue with it. I know 100% that having a child that not wanted is way worse then aboriton because who wants to be the unloved/unwanted kid.

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If your going to read the thread adress my BC argument since you did not seem to know how it worked.


Now that you do will you only use condoms? Will you preech that its bad? I mean i personally have no issue with it. I know 100% that having a child that not wanted is way worse then aboriton because who wants to be the unloved/unwanted kid.


I bet I know more about embryology than you do. I dont need to give you a biology lesson.


You can figure out where I stand so why have another 300+ post thread to accomplish nothing at all.

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i agree with thorne.

jesus needs just build houses and stay out of eveything eles.


who the hell are you to tell me what i can and cant do.

i love it when jesus freaks come to my door spreading "gods words".


orgazmo comes to mind.

you boys can just fuck right off.


if that doesnt work, a gun always does.

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Do you realize this thread is about giving them the freedom to say no based on their beleifs? So its ok to take away someone elses freedoms to cater to your own? Since they are extreme they should not have the right to say no? You could just as easliy go to a different pharmacy.... right?
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Do you realize this thread is about giving them the freedom to say no based on their beleifs? So its ok to take away someone elses freedoms to cater to your own? Since they are extreme they should not have the right to say no? You could just as easliy go to a different pharmacy.... right?

QFT X 10000

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The differance is I did not press tehm upon you. I did not get in your face and force them nor did I grab your mouse and click the link.


BUT when I goto the pharmacy to pick up some pills if they say you can't have wellbutrin because scientoglogy says its wrong you would laugh....


But they believe it is wrong. does that make them right? Who cares all i care about is they imposed there beliefs upon me.


I'm having a brain fart here...who's side are you on. Do you want the Pharmacists to have the right to chose weather they sell the pills or do you want them to be told they have to sell them?


It sounds to me like you want the Gov't to interfere with the way they want to live and force them to sell you what you walked in to buy? Kinda the opposite of the helmet stance you've been taking :wtf:

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Do you realize this thread is about giving them the freedom to say no based on their beleifs? So its ok to take away someone elses freedoms to cater to your own? Since they are extreme they should not have the right to say no? You could just as easliy go to a different pharmacy.... right?

My point is don't press you "BELIEFS" on me. as I stated in my comment above. Thats fine you don't want to do it. have someone else on staff that will not be a pab.

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