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Pharmacists Refuse to sell plan B. (And sue)


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Forcing them to do there fucking job? You've got to be kiddin me right.


There job is to give me there pill. If you don't like that job come on.



My point is exactly as I stated. I don't need people pressing there beliefs on me. Don't interfere with my life with you "BELIEFS" thats it. nothing more nothing less.

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I bet I know more about embryology than you do. I dont need to give you a biology lesson.


You can figure out where I stand so why have another 300+ post thread to accomplish nothing at all.

I'm waiting

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My point is don't press you "BELIEFS" on me. as I stated in my comment above. Thats fine you don't want to do it. have someone else on staff that will not be a pab.

So it is o.k. for you to tell the pharmacist to hire someone else and force them to sell a product they don't want to? Kind of like "the pot calling the kettle black".


Should we force Walmart to carry XXX movies too, just because you think they should sell them?

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This is not a matter of belief here man. This is a matter of a Meidcally reconized medication.

And it is about the pharmacist right to run their business the way they see fit.

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I still don't follow, you want the freedom to chose not to wear a helmet and not have anyone tell you that you have to wear one, yet you then want to ride your bike down the street and tell a business owner he has to sell you a pill that he doesn't want to sell because it contradicts his religious beliefs?


How's that any different? You're impeding his freedom of religious beliefs and using the fact that he runs a private business open to the public?


Just because he has a store that's open to the public doesn't mean he has to sell you a product he doesn't believe in.


I can go to The Anderson's General Store and just because they sell meat doesn't mean I can demand they sell Kosher Meat. Maybe they don't want to .....it's their choice as a store to sell what they want.


Forcing them to do there fucking job? You've got to be kiddin me right.


There job is to give me there pill. If you don't like that job come on.


My point is exactly as I stated. I don't need people pressing there beliefs on me. Don't interfere with my life with you "BELIEFS" thats it. nothing more nothing less.

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I still don't follow, you want the freedom to chose not to wear a helmet and not have anyone tell you that you have to wear one, yet you then want to ride your bike down the street and tell a business owner he has to sell you a pill that he doesn't want to sell because it contradicts his religious beliefs?


How's that any different? You're impeding his freedom of religious beliefs and using the fact that he runs a private business open to the public?

You never will follow him... most of the time his post are incoherent

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And it is about the pharmacist right to run their business the way they see fit.

For those who wish to run it the way the see fit note that on the sign.



Rx for Regular pharms


PRx for privately owned.

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So we should have the Gov't create a law that either demands they sell you the pill or they should step in and regulate the industry overall. Again, a little contradictory.


You seem to want things both ways and bend things so that only your needs are met and to hell with the rest of the world.


For those who wish to run it the way the see fit note that on the sign.



Rx for Regular pharms


PRx for privately owned.

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You never will follow him... most of the time his post are incoherent

Really If you would like to question my mental capacity you let me know. I will grab my official IQ numbers from my parents for you.



Your missing it .



The FDA Governs drugs

Pharmacys are Goverment Regulated entitiys.

- I agree if you want to be a Private RX then let people know so i can avoid the stores. then we can just let the american public decide instead of the goverment whats so wrong with that?.

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So we should have the Gov't create a law that either demands they sell you the pill or they should step in and regulate the industry overall. Again, a little contradictory.


You seem to want things both ways and bend things so that only your needs are met and to hell with the rest of the world.




Step back read what I said.



a PRx is a private one.


RX is allready regulated.




Right now if you look RX is regulated. My point is if you let the business do it there way people would atlest now they did not waste there time when tehy go into the store.

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So now it's up to the owner of the store to inform everyone up front how they run their business? I think it's pretty easy to figure out when you get to the counter and they so they don't sell XXX because it's against their beliefs, however, CVS down the street does, you're welcome to go there. Worst case, call ahead...it's pretty well known now that there might be a need to do so.


BTW...sir, you forgot your helmet. ;)


The FDA Governs drugs

Pharmacys are Goverment Regulated entitiys.

- I agree if you want to be a Private RX then let people know so i can avoid the stores. then we can just let the american public decide instead of the goverment whats so wrong with that?.

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I thought your point was that you hate when extremeists and Fundies try and enforce their beliefs upon you. Now you're cool with that so long as they tell you ahead of time with a sign on the front door or a pRX sign in their window :confused::wtf:


Hmmmm....if that's the case, then I would assume that you're cool with the helmet law so long as you know before you buy a bike that you'll be required to wear a lid because it's the law?


Sounds to me like we found a solution....starting when you next register for new plates on your bike you should sign a waiver of insurance payouts and a notice that helmets are mandatory.


My point is if you let the business do it there way people would atlest now they did not waste there time when tehy go into the store.
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If you want to go against the goverment regulation of medicaitgon distrugbution you damn well should have to tell everyone. I expect if I walk in to a pharmacy they are going to be a standard off the shelf pharmacy not some private one off pharmacy.



You are still missing that pharmacys are already regulated.

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You've not been to NYC much have you? There are more privately run businesses including Pharmacys on one block than in all of Cbus. You've got to get off your Liberal Island man....leave Columbus and travel a bit. See the world and welcome yourself to America.


Take the below attitude to lower east side of the city and they'll show you what it means to be regulated. Bring your helmet....you'll need it.


If you want to go against the goverment regulation of medicaitgon distrugbution you damn well should have to tell everyone. I expect if I walk in to a pharmacy they are going to be a standard off the shelf pharmacy not some private one off pharmacy.


You are still missing that pharmacys are already regulated.

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they are regulated, but not required to stock every drug in existance. I just recently went to the CVS at Hard/Smokey Row and they don't stock XXX drug that my son needed. They referred me to the CVS down the street.


They are required to expidite the order but can play that off too...."Well, we don't stock it and it's already the morning after for you. We could have it in by Friday. Will that be soon enough?"


At that point the person leaves in a huff for another pharmacy and the pharmacist's conscience is clear. :rolleyes:


The government regulates food as well - does that mean grocery stores must carry all products?......note my comment above about Kosher Products.


I have three Doctors in my family and they aall stand by the fact that they can refuse to treat on ethical/moral grounds. One of them just so happens to routinely refuse to prescribe BC pills - perfectly legal and her choice.


While Doctors and Pharmacies are regulated separately, I think the lawyers will find sufficient ground to win the case. Again, they will argue concrete facts and not just personal beliefs.


Again pharmacy are goverment regulated weather or not you like that or not.
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Pharmacies are regulated in that they can only carry stuff that has been proven to be safe. Beyond that, they are a business, and have the freedom to include or exclude whatever products they want. Most pharmacies sell tobacco products. If one stopped because of the health risks, would you throw a fit about it? If one decided to stop selling X knockoff brand of Y painkiller, because they run a higher profit margin off the more expensive namebrand, would you call your local government rep, or just go to another store to get the cheaper one?


It's all about the freedom to make your own decision. I quit patronizing Applebees when they banned smoking from their restaurants long before there were any bans in Columbus or the state. They made a decision I didn't agree with, so I made my own decision in reaction to it.

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I thought your point was that you hate when extremeists and Fundies try and enforce their beliefs upon you. Now you're cool with that so long as they tell you ahead of time with a sign on the front door or a pRX sign in their window :confused::wtf:


Hmmmm....if that's the case, then I would assume that you're cool with the helmet law so long as you know before you buy a bike that you'll be required to wear a lid because it's the law?


Sounds to me like we found a solution....starting when you next register for new plates on your bike you should sign a waiver of insurance payouts and a notice that helmets are mandatory.


Yes because if I see the sign that says PRx I don't have to waste my fucking time trying to get something because from that point forward i know thats a store i will not shop at. Its very simple. If you give people a choice like that then they don't waste there time or have to be told to there face that they will not be sold something because the pharmcist feels its wrong.



If you know a bar is a gay bar you can choose to not go in there and have a beer. But If you do walk in there don't expect guys to not kiss. The same thing applies


When you go into a resturant you see a no smoking sign. You don't have to walk in and light a cig then have someone preach to you about how bad smoking is.


If It says pRX don't be pissed when they tell you they believe it is against there religion to tell you the medication you came to bought. thats my fucking point your not pushing you beliefs. You are passively stating them by using the sign.

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they are regulated, but not required to stock every drug in existance. I just recently went to the CVS at Hard/Smokey Row and they don't stock XXX drug that my son needed. They referred me to the CVS down the street.


They are required to expidite the order but can play that off too...."Well, we don't stock it and it's already the morning after for you. We could have it in by Friday. Will that be soon enough?"


At that point the person leaves in a huff for another pharmacy and the pharmacist's conscience is clear. :rolleyes:


The government regulates food as well - does that mean grocery stores must carry all products?......note my comment above about Kosher Products.


I have three Doctors in my family and they aall stand by the fact that they can refuse to treat on ethical/moral grounds. One of them just so happens to routinely refuse to prescribe BC pills - perfectly legal and her choice.


While Doctors and Pharmacies are regulated separately, I think the lawyers will find sufficient ground to win the case. Again, they will argue concrete facts and not just personal beliefs.


Also not carring a drug and refusing to despnse it are 2 diffrent things. the case that went to trial previously the pharmcist had the medication.



If you can't do the fucking job don't take it.


I don't see muslims trying to work at CITY bbq.


A doctor who morally wont prescribe birthcontrol pills. let me guesse you also feel that sex ed is bad? Kids shoudl not know about BC? If the doctor can't do his job to protect his patients phyical health they should quit.



Hello darkages ......

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Also not carring a drug and refusing to despnse it are 2 diffrent things. the case that went to trial previously the pharmcist had the medication.


and the state seems to side with the pharmacist....last I heard if the store has the drug and a pharmacist refuses to dispense it, they are required to have someone there who will. it's the person's right to say no based on their religious beliefs.


A doctor who morally wont prescribe birthcontrol pills. let me guesse you also feel that sex ed is bad? Kids shoudl not know about BC? If the doctor can't do his job to protect his patients phyical health they should quit.


I never said anything about how I feel about sex ed. Personally, I'm for it. IMO, most parents of kids aren't involved enough with the basics of their kids lives let alone the more important things such as understanding sex and their own bodies.


So far as a doctors job.....you're in no position to say what their duties are and they can selectively pic weather they want to dispense birth control. It's their job and their right under the law.

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Yes because if I see the sign that says PRx I don't have to waste my fucking time trying to get something because from that point forward i know thats a store i will not shop at. Its very simple. If you give people a choice like that then they don't waste there time or have to be told to there face that they will not be sold something because the pharmcist feels its wrong.


so once again, your saying that something should be done because it affects you and your time :rolleyes: people have all the choices in the world....pretty simple and no further debate or lawmakers time needs to be wasted...walk in, find out they do or don't carry the product or will or won't serve you with it and then either buy or go elsewhere. that systems been in place forever. don't try and fix what's not broken.


If you know a bar is a gay bar you can choose to not go in there and have a beer. But If you do walk in there don't expect guys to not kiss. The same thing applies


so are going to pursue labling bars straight or gay?


When you go into a restaurant you see a no smoking sign. You don't have to walk in and light a cig then have someone preach to you about how bad smoking is.


that's quite different. smoking is an act that brings unwelcome toxins and odor into other faces and strongly offends many. you as the patron are the one who initiates that act and thus interferes with others.


unlike the pharmacist who is simply minding his business and doing his job and then simply doesn't serve what you want. to use your restaurant example, it would be like walking into a diner that doesn't have a liquor/beer license. You don't see a sign that says they don't serve beer do you?.....or perhaps you want that too :rolleyes:


If It says pRX don't be pissed when they tell you they believe it is against there religion to tell you the medication you came to bought. thats my fucking point your not pushing you beliefs. You are passively stating them by using the sign.


so once again, I point out that you're changing your stance....now you're okay with someone pushing their beliefs off on you so long as they have a sign out front warning you of it :confused::wtf: I think originally you just plain didn't like extremists and Fundies and the way they are running their businesses.

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I think this debate is getting too deep. Thorne is just trying to say if you want the pills, you should have easy access to them. A public Pharmacist shouldn't be able to "pick and choose" what he sells based on his moral beliefs. I don't think Pharmacists like that should have a public place in the biz.
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