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Pharmacists Refuse to sell plan B. (And sue)


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Here is my definition: A liberal is full of hatred for past Ideas, such as family values, strong united government, and completely intolerant of the people that still believe in them.


This is my definition of a liberal, as you can see Thorne fits right in. He is completely intolerant of other peoples right to do as the wish, and run their business as they wish. At the same time thinking that anyone who does not think like a liberal are the intolerant ones.

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It's all about the freedom to make your own decision. I quit patronizing Applebees when they banned smoking from their restaurants long before there were any bans in Columbus or the state. They made a decision I didn't agree with, so I made my own decision in reaction to it.



That's funny. That is why I started going to Applebee's.

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You can talk about intolerance related to both political ideologies, so I don't think your definition is very good.

You don't think anything I do/say is good, so that tells me I am on the right track.

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Guest sti06

I'm sure all of you conservatives have heard of Dr. W. David Hager (though you don't want to admit it), appointed by President Bush to head the FDA's reproductive drugs panel (does not require Congressional approval).


He is an evangelical Christian whose beliefs are all formed through his "faith."


This guy anally raped his wife while she was sleeping. When confronted with these accusations, Dr. Hager did not deny what he did. He had a few crazy excuses like he thought it was her vagina (this guy is an obstetrician). Also, this guy has a complex that women are on a lower level than men. Therefore he has a right to do whatever he wants to his wife.


This is an example of the great hypocrisy of the religious right, along with the incompetence of the Bush administration. There are too many other examples like this.

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This is my definition of a liberal, as you can see Thorne fits right in. He is completely intolerant of other peoples right to do as the wish, and run their business as they wish. At the same time thinking that anyone who does not think like a liberal are the intolerant ones.




I said they can run it exactly like they do. But if there going to be a one off pharmacy let people know. Do what you want.

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I'm saying its acceptedable for them to choose if they note ahead of time they are going to go against the pharmys credo.

Oath of a Pharmacist


At this time, I vow to devote my professional life to the service of all humankind through the profession of pharmacy.


I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of human suffering my primary concerns.


I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal drug therapy outcomes for the patients I serve.


I will keep abreast of developments and maintain professional competency in my profession of pharmacy.

I will maintain the highest principles of moral, ethical, and legal conduct.


I will embrace and advocate change in the profession of pharmacy that improves patient care.


I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.


Developed by the American Pharmaceutical Association Academy of Students of Pharmacy/American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Council of Deans (APhA-ASP/AACP-COD) Task Force on Professionalism; June 26, 1994


You are incorrect. Nothing in their oath says they have to sell evey drug made. No Pharmacy does, there are 10's of thousands of medications.

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I'm sure all of you conservatives have heard of Dr. W. David Hager (though you don't want to admit it), appointed by President Bush to head the FDA's reproductive drugs panel (does not require Congressional approval).


He is an evangelical Christian whose beliefs are all formed through his "faith."


This guy anally raped his wife while she was sleeping. When confronted with these accusations, Dr. Hager did not deny what he did. He had a few crazy excuses like he thought it was her vagina (this guy is an obstetrician). Also, this guy has a complex that women are on a lower level than men. Therefore he has a right to do whatever he wants to his wife.


This is an example of the great hypocrisy of the religious right, along with the incompetence of the Bush administration. There are too many other examples like this.

Off topic.... this is not a Bush hating thread. If want one of those, please start one.

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if she can sleep through taking it in the butt he must have a penis the size of my pinky. I can't even touch my wife's leg at night without her knowing it. :rolleyes: so far as him thinking it was a vagina, all his medical training aside, he must not have sex much if he can't tell the two apart. :eek:


This guy anally raped his wife while she was sleeping. When confronted with these accusations, Dr. Hager did not deny what he did. He had a few crazy excuses like he thought it was her vagina (this guy is an obstetrician).
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