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Sooo. . . I'll get to the point with my problem. . . maybe someone will be able to come up with something I have not. I'm trying to setup a computer for my friend, it's an older pentium 4 2.4c with 1 gig of memory, 500w power supply, 120g hard drive, and nvidia 7800gt graphics card (agp 8x). I did a fresh install of xp pro . . installed and updated everything (drivers/etc). . . and the computer just randomly restarts after being up a few moments. sometimes it's more frequent than other times.


I've been building computers for awhile, but this one has to be one of the most annoying pains in the ass ever.


I've tested memory slots, and memory. . . hard drive seems not to be giving out any errors when I run a stress test on it . . . . just simply restarts at random (not virus related. . completely fresh install of windows and norton with updated virus defs and boot scanned).


thanks in advance for any help ya'll can give :)



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Turn off the "Automatically Restart" under System Properties / Advanced / Startup-Recovery-Settings . That should give you a "Blue Screen" and explain where your error is , instead of restarting on you.
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thanks guys :) see i was wonderin in the first place why i wasn't getting the BSOD . . . didn't have the automatic restart turned off . . . . and after running the code, it was a faulty stick of ram (EVEN THOUGH I STRESSED TEST IT AND IT PASSED) . . . random. .


thanks a ton guys . . got the computer back to friend a couple days ago and he's had it on ever since with no issues

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