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Usually local, state, federal government would keep these kinds of things under wraps to keep the public calm and sane without inciting pandic. I was kinda surprised to see a commercial tonight while watching my weekly showing of Star Trek Enterprise (dont laugh) saying how in so many words how we're due for the next nationwide/worldwide pandemic flu. Enjoy the site, it's quite comforting.



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28 days all over again................... going to get more guns!


HA, awesome movie. I love 'end of the world' movies, puts everything in persective. People are just animals trying to survive when you take away all the bs.


If a pandemic flu ever did happen I think I might want to stock up on food, water and medical supplies rather than guns and ammo. Though you would definitly want a gun to defend your household.

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Lets see, I fly all over the world and expose myself to 12 locals per week. Not to mention the hundreds of plane travelers.


Odds of me being the cause of the pandemic flu in Ohio are pretty high. Now if you will excuse me I am going to go put on my tin-foil hat and take 30 gallons of airborne.

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