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Understeer is for pussy faggots


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Which is why the Stig was able to drive the S4 a full second faster than the M3.


which S4 vs which M3. obviously not talking about the M3 CSL which went 2 seconds faster than the S4.



Besides, why do the Audi guys always insist on comparing the M3 and the S4. I find that the type of drivers of each differ greatly, and that they are EXTREMELY different cars, and not only that but every SINGLE model of the M3 that comes out is immediately followed by an S4 of at least 10 more horsepower. Audi has a horrible inferiority complex about the M3.




edit: look at the list of The Stig's times. How many of the top...say..25 are AWD. In fact, the first AWD car on the list I believe is the Murcielago...number 14

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On the track with pro drivers, there will be a difference....and mind you in the eyes of some, perhaps larger than others. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.




When I was there last, in the hands of us in the class, many of whom can drive very well,. we all had our favorites, but everyone walked away with a WOW at all the cars once they were were shown how to drive them.


Based on my opinion, the Z06 was of course the most fun and of course had the most potential and is a great car for the road course. The Caddy CTS-V was okay but was definitely second rate compared to the Vette.


I really enjoyed the GXP as I had my eye out to buy one and especially given I've driven FWD more often, have done auto cross with FWD and once was shown how to actually use the GXP's potential in the corners, it was a sheer blast. I've been to BB in AZ twice and the last time just prior to buying my GXP. The previous time we drove Cobra's, SRT-4's and Vipers.

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....which has an audi quattro based AWD system, ironically.



Well seeing as Lamborghini belongs to VW, I can see how that might shock you ?




The VW AG company owns eight active automotive based brands.


* Audi (D)

* Bentley (GB)

* Bugatti (F)

* Škoda (CZ)

* Lamborghini (I)

* SEAT (E)

* Volkswagen (D)

* Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (D)

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So far in my experience, RWD>FWD. Next car will be AWD, so I'll toss that into the list next year. But my first two cars were FWD, then since '98 I've driven only RWD cars. That's 8 New England winters, and I never wanted a FWD car. Once you know how to use a RWD car in the snow, it's much easier to control. FWD cars, to me, feel like I'm towing dead weight behind me.


And since this is The Kitchen: FWD is for saving the manufacturers production costs, and grannies who can't drive.

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Well seeing as Lamborghini belongs to VW, I can see how that might shock you ?




The VW AG company owns eight active automotive based brands.


* Audi (D)

* Bentley (GB)

* Bugatti (F)

* Škoda (CZ)

* Lamborghini (I)

* SEAT (E)

* Volkswagen (D)

* Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (D)


Ok, why dont we put two and two together while we are here. Obviously I knew this already, or else I wouldn't have said it.

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I like AWD just because of versitality Last year me and mojoe and others had a fucking blast in AWD vehicales. The fwd's in the snow atleast moved but AWD/4wd was where it is at. In columbus if yo want a practical car AWD is the way to go.


Prove me wrong dig race in the snow bring it RWD.

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I like AWD just because of versitality Last year me and mojoe and others had a fucking blast in AWD vehicales. The fwd's in the snow atleast moved but AWD/4wd was where it is at. In columbus if yo want a practical car AWD is the way to go.


Prove me wrong dig race in the snow bring it RWD.



because ohio gets so much snow every year its even somewhat difficult to get around in anything but an awd vehicle, right? :rolleyes:

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No, I drove the monte in the snow and it's powercurve before i detuned it was stupid. no tq insta tq. I'm saying in genereal BTW there where numerous day I loaned my car to my mom to goto logan ohio and take food to my aunt because they where trapped with there RWD truck that had sand in the back.
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I love driving in bad weather. :) Give me rain, snow, ice... I'll eat it up. 400 lb-ft of torque, or 60lb-ft. My friends think I should get vinyl "WINDSHIELD" labels for my side windows during the winter. :)


I'm just hoping my friend was exaggerating when he said that they start closing roads and implement curfews in Columbus when there's only an inch of snowfall. People out there can't be THAT scared of snow..

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Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

Tastes Great!..................less Filling!

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RWD is just fine in the snow. I live near Lake Erie so we get a ton of lake effect snow. I don't care if it only ways 2200 lbs, with a set of Blizzaks and a (somewhat) competent driver it has no problem going through snow. People who say RWD isn't good for snow/rain covered roads just need to learn about throttle control. End rant :)


EDIT: anyone who doesn't put their top down in the snow is a pussy :cool:

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