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Sum up your sex life with Star Wars quotes


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Probably a big reeee.. suck it.


Rs Conqueror: dude

Xenocidaltendncy: hey whatup

Rs Conqueror: "sum up your sex life using star wars quotes"

Xenocidaltendncy: ...

Rs Conqueror: "you were right about one thing, the negotiations were short"

Xenocidaltendncy: young fool... only now, at the end, do you understand

Rs Conqueror: "how're we doing kid?" "same as always.." "that bad huh?"

Xenocidaltendncy: "if money is all you want, then that's what you'll get"

Rs Conqueror: "Ten thousand?? We could buy our own ship for that!"

Xenocidaltendncy: "these aren't the droids you're looking for"

Rs Conqueror: "I don't care what you smell, just get in there you big lug!"

Xenocidaltendncy: "going in at that speed, do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?"

Rs Conqueror: "No luke... I am your father"

Xenocidaltendncy: "and now, princess, we will discuss the location of your rebel base" *thwrum thwruuum thwruuuuum*

Rs Conqueror: "judge me by my size do you?"

Xenocidaltendncy: "Yeah, but this time I've got the money"

Rs Conqueror: She may not look like much, but "she's got it where it counts, kid."

Rs Conqueror: "I haven't seen him. It's possible he came in through the south entrance."

Xenocidaltendncy: "I've got a feeling I'm never going to see her again"

Rs Conqueror: "and I thought these things smelled bad... on the outsde"

Xenocidaltendncy: "Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it"

Rs Conqueror: "You're not actually going INTO an asteroid field...!!!"

Rs Conqueror: "Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!"

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finish the story man...hijack this thread :p


ok..this is totally nerdy..but she actually did say this as i rounded the rear of her hip and had her tied-balloon in sight...


"I've got a bad feeling about this"

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