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Cranky neighbors


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Dave and I have started buying lawn decorations and putting them around the yard just to piss her off. I pick up any ugly lawn decoration I can find.



Lol sears (Graceland) has yard art near the exit door and the item description tag says "tacky yard art" makes me laugh everytime.

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people have this inherent fear of pitbulls for some reason, probably because pushed up noses somehow look badass. I've always said boxers are the sweetest-tempered dogs i've ever seen but people think they're violent because they look like pitbulls.



on a similar topic, my uncle has 2 dogs; one is an australian sheepdog mix and the other is half German Shepherd and half Northern Coyote. His one folly is that if he stares you down, you best not stare back (an old wild dog habit of establishing dominance) but despite his huge paws and enormous size, he's one of the sweetest dogs i've met.

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Damn I've got a chain link fence. I really had hoped to live here for 3 more years I should have all debt poaid off and be able to buy a house. This incident has taught me 1 thing. I hate people more then I could have ever imagined. I did not like getting yelled at on my porche for that long. But i never raised my voice as I would have said things that would have got my in trouble. I just kept saying I'm sorry there is nothing more that i can say besides sorry.


Then dont put up with it. If she wants to yell and raise her voice tell her you cant communicate with someone like that and walk away. if she insists and knock's on your door give her a warning to leave your premesis. Thats simple. i would say call the cops an her for harrassment but cops HATE getting stupid calls like this. It just waste's their time.


I deal with stupid people like this at work all day, the last thing I wanna do when i get home is deal with them their. I dont know how you put up with it.

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Flat out don't put up with it. I'm the coolest person around to anyone i meet, but come at me with no respect and expect to get it back in spades. It's that simple. Not saying punch the bitch in the face, but a simple fuck you with the right tone tends to end that situation real quick. Its your house and your property shes standing on, she can either act civil or get the fuck on down the road.
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BTW, there are over 1 million legal ways to get back at annoying neighbors.... and about 10million that will just get you fined (worth it in most cases). My favorite is pouring a bunch of fertilizer in one spot, or letting a dog piss on their grass. Then watch them throw a fit when their yard has patches of dead grass.
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Fuck that old bitch and do a running punt of her little dogs over the house. (Actually, it's not the dogs fault. Punt that old bitch. :D ) This gets my ire up. So many people walk around with their piece of shit dogs becuz they're piece of shit owners and catch no flak becuase it's not a "bully breed". Many may not realize this, but the breed of dog with the most attacks on humans is a f'n Cocker Spaniel. Obviously, I'm used to this ridiculous breed abuse due to the dog I have as my avatar and have experienced some of the most ridiculous, biased, and unprovoked responses from ignorant, judmental people. Let me tell you, I've let loose on some people before. The fact that it's not even a pitbull doesn't matter to anyone. It 'looks' like one, therefore it's evil.

PREECH PREECH. As a bully owner we get shunned by idiots but the true dog people are like omg sweeet dog. He's so pretty and shit,. when youj are the real dog park you will never see someone bitch because a pit comes in because you know if someone bring a pit to the dog park its a well behavied pit and the owner understands that his dog is powerful yes but not evil by default.

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See I try to remain low key because poeple look at me funny because Im up all night and have poeple over on sunday nights. I mean in 20 mintues copperhead will be here hour later obygyn howmany poeple have poeple over at 1am. Not many be I do.


everyone else loves me. My neighrbor on one side I pay to cut my grass hes a nice little boy. hes the one who forgot to close the gate but man I should have noticed. so I anit mad. But if she pushes me I will just have my dad talk to some cops for around here.


Ehhhh Seems like every neighborhood has one. Why can't people mind there own shit and shut the fuck up sometimes?




If I walk my dogs I can walk all three they will not pass me they will not bark 99% of the time when any dog barks at them if they do I correc tthem with a simple noise and they stop. Yet her dog LUNGE at poeples dogs and bark at houses and everything else drag her around...



I could let a 5 year old walk my Olde English bulldog and I would not think twice.

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Cranky Neighbors???? Now I've got cranky neighbors! Don't move to Powell, 90% of the neighbors are absolutely nuts! They don't want dogs, noise, fast cars or bikes, NO working in your OWN garage after 8:00 pm & again no noise, trash cans are to be hidden behind your house until trash day, no parties unless parents are holding a communion or something, don't even think of crossing your street to see a neighbor you like (that 10% category) with an open beer, list goes on & on. I look forward to selling house next spring - I'm going to look at rural northern Delaware Cnty, something rural for sure with at least 10 acres / no close neighbors for me anymore -
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