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Digital Cable


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Why is it that on some of the channels they put the same movie on back to back to back? I just got done wathcing Cape Fear, great movie, havent seen it in a while... what comes on next? Cape fucking Fear. Except now this version has all the trival subtitles about the films production and its actors.


Does this annoy anyone else?

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On-Demand FTW.


But yea that is really annoying, especially when they do it for really horrible movies. Why can't there just be one movie channel that only plays racing/car related movies? Grand Prix, Bullitt, Gone in 60 Seconds, The Italian Job, etc. Oh and of course Fast and the Furious (J/K). I could probably live the rest of my life with just that one movie channel and never need anything else.

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Uh, WTF does that have to do with Digital Cable??


It has all to do with the channel; same thing can happen with Analog cable and Sat. Dish as well.


Well with the exception of the 24hr marathon of The Christmas Story on Christmas Eve, ive never seen it before i got digital cable.

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Well with the exception of the 24hr marathon of The Christmas Story on Christmas Eve, ive never seen it before i got digital cable.


HA, i love that movie. I think i recorded it last year thinking I would need to, then realized it would be on for 11 more hours.

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