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Poison Ivy: fact vs. fiction


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Had an employee tell me that one time. So we made a bet , he was to rub the poison ivy leaves on his arm if there was a reaction he was to buy me lunch and vise versa. Well after his doctor's appointment to get a shot and ointment :D he bought me lunch. He did not know what the poison ivy plant looked like , he thought it was something else. :)

i too once took a bet like this, poison ivy does nothing to me, no rash, no itch. its kinda wierd how that happens

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Now the doctor said that it's not contagious, and touching it won't spread to other parts of my body. She said it's a reaction to the oil getting in my system, and randomly causing rashes.


It can spread internally. I am extremely allergic to it. When I was a kid, I'd have to carry the emergency kit for it like people who are allergic to bee stings. It's not as bad now that i'm older but it still requires a doc visit or it goes EVERYWHERE within a day.


The last time I had it, it was in my eyes, mouth and throat so I had to get a tube to keep me breathing.

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i never really knew what it looked like. i was doing the siding on a house once, walking around in the bushes. i was in shorts, with no shirt, with all the leaves rubbing my face and stuff. when my boss walked by, he told me to get out immediately because it was ALL poison ivy...


guess im lucky!

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it will clear up in one night if you pour lighter fluid on iy and light it with a match, Boils that infected skin rite off


Yeah, and pay no attention to a medical doctor that was in school longer than you've been in any one job to learn medicine if they tell you this will burn your skin too.

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There is allot that is right and wrong.

Poison ivy, and other plants, secretes an oil. The rash is an reaction to this oil. One good shower with real soap will remove the oil. No loofa moisturizing Axe shit, soap. I hammer the point home with orange clean or some other good degreaser.


The problem now is the allergic reaction. To put things simply; good luck figuring that one out. It's all bout your body and its chemical mood at this point in your life. Being a wiggy allergic reaction, one part of your body doesn't need to contact the oil to react to it. Like a bee sting causing hive everywhere.

I suggest Benadryl, or anything else shown to help with allergic reactions.

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