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Ok so heres the story"


Me and 5 friends were out driving around, 3 in each car. The car in front of us stopped and grabbed a trash can by the handle. They then drug it along at about 40mph and let it go into another trash can. Well we turn around to leave the housing development and a guy is standing in the road with 2 trash bags. We go around him and he smacks the car im in with a bag and it spills trash onto the street. We take off, the other car does the same but goes the opposite way as us. The guy with the bags hops in his truck and chases them. He gets the license plate and calls it into the cops. Well my buddy had to go down to the police station and admit to doing it. He then had to tell who all was there. They charged all 6 of us with Criminal Mischief even though only 1 person grabbed the trash can and 1 person was the get away driver, the 3rd person in thier vehicle was litterally sleeping in the back so she had no idea what was going on. Well the 6 of us had 2 different court dates with 3 of us going one day and the other going the next. The first three got 500 in fines and a years probation. They plead no contest. They all applied for diversion since it was thier first offence. Us 3 remaining went in, the guy that pulled the can and drove the car were the same day as me. They applied for diversion and didnt enter a plea. I plead not guilty and have a court date tommorow. Now heres my question....since im going to the air force and probation will totally fuck me out of that, do you think if I tell the judge that he will just throw it out since I didnt actually throw the trash can and was in a completely different car. They are basically getting me for guilty by association.

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Licking County judges are going to stick it to you because they don't have much else to do. Bring up the fact that you are going into the air force and be ready to prove this statement. This will more than likely going to help you.


And another idea, stop hanging out with people that do dumb shit. And just so you know, there is never anything to do, it doesn't matter where you live.

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  alittlelessordinary said:
did you miss the part where i said "I didnt do shit"?


ah but you did, that fact that you were a party to the said crime makes you just as guilty.



  alittlelessordinary said:
we was following the car in front of us around, just out driving cause theres nothign else to do in small town usa


so fuckin with other people's property is cool since you were bored?

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  Excell said:
My legal advice to you is, STOP DOING DUMB SHIT AND GROW UP. You're 22 years old for Christ sakes.


So good it has to be quoted again.


Grow the fuck up.


ok 1. It technically belongs to the trash company so wouldnt they have to press charges? (all jokes aside)

2. I didnt know they was going to drag the fucking trash can

3. I didnt touch anyones property


Now is not the time for humor. If you get put on probation and the judge decides to dick you over (which you deserve) it will go on your criminal record. Say 10 years down the road you actually do in fact grow up and want to get a real job. They check your record and it says "criminal mischief, etc..." they dont give you a chance to explain yourself they just move on to the next candidate, someone without a criminal record.

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whether or not you did anything, everyone else says you were there, you were part of the group that decided it was a good idea to fuck with people's shit.


and really, not to sound like an old man, but even if you didn't do shit, you're still hanging out with dumbfucks that do. not only that but you're hanging out with dumbfucks who, instead of just stopping, picking up the trash, and saying sorry, decided to run from the guy after getting busted. really, though, turning yourselves in was the smartest decision of the night.



as for getting out of trouble that your dumb ass landed in? go in humbly, and dont expect special treatment cuz you're going into the AF. they're going to treat you the same way they treat everyone who thinks their job is special enough to get them off the hook. you, in fact, are guilty by association. the reason they're trying to get you on that charge is because THAT IS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED. unless you were sitting in the back of the car demanding to be let out because you wanted no part in the criminal mischief, you're just as guilty as everyone else is. good luck getting out of trouble, not that I'd want a functioning retard like yourself entrusted with millions of dollars of taxpayer equipment designed to kill.


EDIT: you're from fucking newark??? you're no more than half an hour outside of downtown columbus, you have no reason to think you've got nothing to do.

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Oh jesus christ its a fucking trash can, you all act like he raped someone. Yea you were party to a fucking trash can tossing, how the fuck could we ever trust you with our tax money and all those expensive things that are for killing stuff, and stuff, because nothing juvenille ever happens in the armed forces.... Get real.


On the original question, yea, tell the judge you enlisted. Take resposibilty for the incedent, to a point, and you can try the we were just out fucking around and the idiots in the car in front of us grabbed a trash can line too. most of all make sure he understands that you had no malicious intentions that night, and you are very sorry that the poor guys trashcan was injured in the incident... ok maybe leave that part out.

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Like none of you that has read this thread not fucked with other people's property. Don't make me search for all the threads that mention illegal software downloads.


alittlelessordinary good luck with it. You should talk to a lawyer about something like this. I wouldn't trust people on this board with legal advise... no offense to anyone reading this.



P.S. A few weeks ago a friend and I MAYBE drank too much and walked around the streets close to my house at 3am... and some how a 50 lb goose lawn ornament followed us home ^_^

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Talk to the prosecuting attorney before the court date, not the judge. Tell him your situation, he may be sympathetic. The same thing happened to me before I joined, but instead of a friend throwing a trash can it was me hitting a guy in the face. Talked to DA, plead guilty to some bullshit charge that no one cared about.
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  trowa said:
Like none of you that has read this thread not fucked with other people's property. Don't make me search for all the threads that mention illegal software downloads.


if i got busted for illegal downloading, I would probably have no choice but to admit that I was doing it. He's guilty by association. He comes here saying "how can I get out of being guilty by association, I didn't WANT to be part of it"


Its not the fact that he did it, its the "better than the law" attitude.

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I love how you guys are prosecuting this kid like he did an actual criminal act...You stopped at 17,16 etc....good for you...want a cookie??


we all know about illegal street racing and alot worse shit then a trash can toss...so fuck off...congrats your better than him cuz you dont have dumb friends.....Everyone has those friends that are idiots and like to show it....and if you dont you should cuz they are entertaining...

Good luck in court hope it works out for you in the end...

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  El Borracho said:
if i got busted for illegal downloading, I would probably have no choice but to admit that I was doing it. He's guilty by association. He comes here saying "how can I get out of being guilty by association, I didn't WANT to be part of it"


Its not the fact that he did it, its the "better than the law" attitude.



You must have some firefox plugin that I do not have. After reading the first post I never felt he was having a "better than the law" attitude. If he wants to chime in and say otherwise then I will agree with your take on the post.

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