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Mekafire passed away in his sleep?


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I am in total shock. Chris was one of the few people who was nice to me when I started in street racing six years ago. I know that lots of guys didn't like him because he was the first one to say crazy stuff. He was 110% funny and a crazy to hang out with. I still remember him saying "SUUP Hoochie" then getting a hug that turned into him humping me. He was a really great guy and there are few memories of street racing that don't have him in it.


He will be missed.



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Guest MSP_2003

I've only been around Columbus for about 4 years, and Chris made the biggest impression on me out of all the "Rolling Images" crew (anybody remember that?). Always outgoing, always funny, and you just couldn't be in a bad mood around the kid. I'm sure he's got his dream computer / mixer setup in heaven and hopefully he is reading all these heart felt posts. I really wish I got to know you better, and I'm looking forward to the day that I can...


You are loved and missed by many


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didnt know the guy but it makes ya sit back and think how fast life can end and to make everyday a bright one and never make enemies...


note on the apnea thing...i had it severe...had surgery and what not..still have symptoms..if anyone wants to know anything about it just pm me..



god rest in peace homie

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Agreed with Dave, Chris could make anyone laugh in any situation. He was always a happy person and cavalier about life, he brought a great energy with him everywhere he went that could ruboff on anyone.


Here is his DJ Myspace page: http://myspace.com/djkiddquikk He has a great myspace page and made some excellent music mixes. I had never realized the talent and taste he had for music.

Also here is his personal page: http://myspace.com/chrisschnell There is a comment from "Raymon Baer"(my roommate with him at Spice bar tuesday night) that has a link to the last mix he ever made, enjoy.

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Were waiting on his mom to finalize things, but there will be a "Celebration" for him sometime this week, likely early in the week some evening. I believe it is going to be an open event and all will be welcome to attend. I or someone else will post the details as we get them.


Next monday(3rd I believe) we are working on putting together another celebration at a local club somewhere with my roommate and some others dj'ing and mixing/playing Chris' music. This will be an open event for sure and everyone who wants to is encouraged to come and celebrate Chris' life and his great music. Again details to come.

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Will do.


Anyone have an idea of where these are gonna go? Ben, can you call me or PM me to where the arrangement should go and when I should cut off the payments and order the flowers?


Not yet. No problem, that's the info I'm waiting on as well. I should know this afternoon and I will let you know as soon as I do.

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OK Chris's Party is at the Embassy suites off cleveland ave and 270 at 7pm tomorrow (tuesday)


Per his mom's Request.....Very casual dress and there will be bar and you will be expected to get drunk per chris's wishes


We will miss him so lets send him off the way he would want to go!

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